Page 24 - Demo
P. 24
Elklan. Speech and Language Support for 3-5s%u00a9 Elklan Training Limited 2023 22S22.1.0 COMMUNICATION FRIENDLY SETTINGS(ELB. 14-15, Slide 21)%u2022 Explain that it is possible for settings to work towards becoming an accredited Communication Friendly Setting. There is information on the website.%u2022 We will keep coming back to what is a Communication Friendly Setting throughout the course, so please ask learners to bring their copy to every session.%u2022 To start sharing ideas and good practice, pass round handout 2.1.0.%u2022 Split learners into 4 groups and give each group a card. This will have one of the following aspects of the checklist to consider:o Resourceso Visual supporto Distractions and layouto Routines and small groups%u2022 Learners discuss for 5 minutes how they would rate their setting and then feedback to everyone else. Rate 1 = poor and 5 = good.%u2022 If they have time ask them to consider other aspects from the other sections of the checklist. Ensure learners focus on each room in the setting having resources that are developmentally appropriate for less and more children as well as the target group.%u2022 Encourage learners to take their copy of the Communication Friendly Settings Checklist and reflect on their own setting now, at the beginning of the course and then at the end of the course. This will be discussed in the next session, so learners should start their reflection this week.