Page 26 - Demo
P. 26

                                    Elklan. Speech and Language Support for 3-5s%u00a9 Elklan Training Limited 2023 24S2%u2022 Discuss. What did the adult do and what effect did this have on the child?%u2022 Emphasise the fact that the clip shows a child with typical language development. The child%u2019s communication and interaction varied enormously and this was dependent upon the adult%u2019s behaviour!2.3.0 THE PRINCIPLES OF GOOD ADULT%u2013CHILD INTERACTION(ELB. 8, Slide 12)%u2022 What principles can we take from these video observations?%u2022 What does good adult-child interaction look like?2.3.1 Follow the child%u2019s lead(Slide 25)%u2022 Explain that this is important for young children because it improves attention and increases the likelihood of your language being focused on the child%u2019s point of interest.%u2022 Discuss how to extend the play through modelling if the play is very repetitive.2.3.2 Stop, Listen and Respond(ELB. 9, Slide 26)%u2022 Show the slide and explain the stages.%u2022 %u2018Stop%u2019 = stop what you are doing so that you can watch the child.
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