Page 28 - Demo
P. 28

                                    Elklan. Speech and Language Support for 3-5s%u00a9 Elklan Training Limited 2023 26S2%u2022 2.3.3 Monitor the number of questions and directions used(ELB. 10-11, Slide 29)%u2022 Questions are important. Appropriate questions can help to develop a child%u2019s language. This will be explored in session 6.%u2022 However, we tend to ask too many questions.%u2022 Refer learners to ELB. pages 9-11 and talk through the points shown on the slide.%u2022 Suggest the %u2018Hand Rule%u2019 whereby one should aim for 1 question (show your thumb) to 4 comments. Comments include, explaining, repeating and expanding (show your four fingers).(ELB. 11, Slide 30)%u2022 Consider the additional points about asking questions on the slide.2.3.4 Relating this to ourselves(Slide 31)
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