Page 30 - Demo
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Elklan. Speech and Language Support for 3-5s%u00a9 Elklan Training Limited 2023 28S2%u2022 Show another video clip but this time ask learners, in their groups, to use the checklist.%u2022 Ask learners to suggest which aspect of interaction they think the adult could change.%u2022 Next observe changed interaction and reflect the changes in the checklist.(Slide 35)%u2022 Discuss the impact the changes the adult made had on the child%u2019s communication and other skills. 2.3.7 Reflecting on personal practice%u2022 Really encourage the learners to reflect on their interactions during the coming week.%u2022 If possible work in pairs. Observe one another and use the checklist to reflect on and talk about adult-child interactions.%u2022 Observe other adults working with children. What are the strengths and weaknesses of the interactions?%u2022 Suggest that it would be wonderful if they could Video themselves!2.3.8 Adult-Child Interaction and AL(Slide 36)