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  Internal Structures
• ALP Expectations documents provide clarity on key aspects of whole school provision and underpin the work of the School Improvement Team. Research overview provides toolkit of resources.
• Consistent structures and systems: Performance Management objectives linked to teacher standards and Trust priorities and success criteria mapped according to career progression; National College, National Online Safety, Firefly learning platform, CPD structures, including staff handbook.
• Standardised assessments to review standards across the trust; GL testing for reading, spelling, core subjects, CAT4 and attitudes to learning.
• BlueSky used for recording and evaluation of Performance Management, school and ALP CPD, lesson observations and individual staff portfolios.
• ALP reviews: review of curriculum, personal development, safeguarding
and specific subjects to ensure continual focus on reflection and improvement. Structured programme with ALP themes complemented by bespoke reviews and led by ALP and external staff to ensure consistent standards.
• ALP Early Career Framework CPD programme for staff (ITT, NQT and RQT) to enhance recruitment and retention across the Trust. Partnerships with Teach First and Durham SCITT underpin our provision for ECF staff.
                External Partners
• Extensive network of partnerships at local and national level: Education Durham, examiners and consultants, Ofsted Inspectors, SSAT (School, Students and Teachers Network), National College BlueSky, Edurio and School North East to ensure that staff are supported by professionals with expertise and knowledge.
• Professional development is underpinned by robust evidence and expertise. Clear links between theory and practice including drawing on relevant academic research and findings from Education Endowment Foundation. Implementation of action research projects in collaboration with Durham University.
• Bespoke training for ALP staff from external partners e.g. Firefly and GL testing to support with implementation and evaluation of trust initiatives.
• Partnership with Firefly to ensure consistent learning platform and clear communication across the Trust.
Leadership training and delivery of NPQs by ALP staff through partnership with the School Led Network
ALP ITT recruitment (primary and secondary), lead partner with Durham SCITT.
ALP Civic Partnership: the North- East Research Collaboration – development of Leadership, Metacognition and Music.
      Every teacher a leader
• ALP networks covering subjects, whole school themes and Personal Development. Half-termly calendared meetings and bulletin complemented by informal networking opportunities throughout the year.
• ALP Leadership Courses for aspiring and newly appointed Middle Leaders, Senior Leaders, Deputy Headteachers and Headteachers.
• Professional development programme to complement and develop school programmes e.g. ECT CPD and teacher learner community.
• Bespoke leadership courses for staff and teams to ensure relevant and
timely support and development.
• ALP termly journal and ALP CPD; opportunities for staff to participate, lead
workshops and contribute to action research.
• National College membership for all staff to ensure access to relevant and continuous
professional learning.
• Coaching; bespoke school programmes complemented by ALP CPD.
Every student a leader
ALP ethos ‘Your child is our child’ informs decision making and leadership at all levels to ensure that the trust is focused on ensuring that all students receive high quality academic and pastoral support.
• Standardised assessments to review pupil progress, personalised
ALP Legacy programme provides a diverse range of opportunities for collaboration and personal development of students.
reports used to inform teaching and learning / intervention.
• ALP Student Leadership Programme – connecting students from across the trust through regular meetings and events.
• ALP competitions: half termly themed ‘ALP Superstar’ competitions linked to relevant local, national and international events.
• Student voice incorporated into ALP review process to ensure triangulation of evidence and feedback.
                        Achieving Sustainability
Purposeful Growth
Ensuring Excellence
Operationalising Services
Laying the Foundations
Strong central support enabling leaders to concentrate on education delivery. Shaping the life chances of students beyond their time with the Trust. Financial efficiency ensuring the Trust’s vision remains deliverable and resilient.
Investment in leadership capacity to support school improvement. External collaboration and partnerships to develop expertise and networks. Strategic growth at and appropriate pace based on established principles.
        Development of all leaders. Inclusive culture focused on individual context leading to purposeful learning based on educational research. Evaluation, development and support of schools and their leaders. Effective resource allocation. Evidence based research culture.
     A highly effective team of professional and technical experts. Tailored support contextualised to schools and students needs. Highest quality systems and technology enabling innovation and growth.
Vision and values based on our guiding principle ‘Your Child is our Child’. Clear strategic direction, supported by strong and effective school improvement, financial and governance structures.
          ‘Your child is our child’

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