Page 28 - Leading and managing people in the new normal
P. 28

4.2     Managing remote and dispersed teams                                                                                                Key Actions

               Watch this space - Content under development                                                                                     Keeping remote employees engaged:

               In the meantime:                                                                                                                 • Ensure all team members know what
                                                                                                                                                   others are working on.

      When managing a remote team, it is important to consider the     •     Stay connected—maintain team meetings and other catch              • Build trust across remote and in-office
                                                                                                                                                   employees by ensuring visibility,
      following:                                                             ups, where possible.                                                  interaction, and familiarity.
      •     Set expectations about hours of work, including working            −   Find out how the Office 365 suite can support your           • Communicate using various channels,
            from home during the span of normal hours (6am to 6pm),                team.                                                           and select the right channel for your

            except where individual requests need to be considered.            −   Use tele/videoconferencing to reduce feelings of                particular message.
      •     Set expectations around communication — be very clear                  isolation when working remotely.
            with your team about how and when you expect them to               −   Create a team chat using Microsoft Teams to
            communicate and check in.                                              maintain social connection within the work team
             −    Try to maintain usual team processes as much as                  and encourage team members to collaborate and
                  possible.                                                        interact with each other.

             −    Alternative work arrangements or allowing your               −   Schedule regular one-on-one catch ups with each               Further resources
                  team to work flexibly does not mean you need to                  team member to discuss work and to check in on

                  micromanage; trust your team. Adapt your                         their wellbeing.  A wellbeing check-in can be
                  management style if you need to.                                 generally covered in five questions:  How are you          •  Connect and collaborate using Microsoft
                                                                                   feeling health wise?  How are you feeling workwise?          Teams
                                                                                   How are you feeling emotionally?  What do I need           • •  Syncing files to your computer
                                                                                                                                                Using meetings function in Microsoft Teams
                                                                                   to know?  Do you need anything from me?

                                                                               −   Encourage your team to speak with you—early and
                                                                                   often—to address any issues they are experiencing
                                                                                   should they find working from home challenging

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