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         on the webpage of the e-commerce   has been decided to permit NBFCs in  latory Organisations ) for regulated
         website.                           the middle and base layers also to use  entities (REs), RBI Governor
                                            CRM instruments to reduce their    Shaktikanta Das said on October 6 an-
         The central bank had introduced CoFT
         in September 2021 and began its    counterparty exposure under the    nouncing the monetary policy decision.
         implementation from October 1, 2022.  credit concentration norms," said Gov-  "Self-Regulatory Organisations (SROs)
                                            ernor Shaktikanta Das in his statement.  can play an important role in strength-

         RBI leaves repo rate un-                                              ening compliance culture among their
                                            Financial savings up 14%           members and also provide a consulta-
         changed at 6.5%                                                       tive platform with the Reserve Bank for
                                            in absolute terms, says
         The Reserve Bank of India's Monetary                                  policy making," said Das.
         Policy Committee (MPC), as expected, Patra                            Das further added that it has been de-
         left the repo rate, the rate at which the  Financial savings in absolute terms in-  cided to issue a draft omnibus frame-
         central bank lends short-term funds to  creased by 14 per cent in 2023, the  work for recognising SROs for various
         banks, unchanged at 6.5 percent.   Reserve Bank of India Deputy Governor  categories of Regulated Entities (REs)

         "MPC voted unanimously to leave the  Michael Patra said in the post-policy  of the central bank for stakeholder
         repo rate unchanged at 6.5 percent,"  press conference. Patra also mentioned  comments.
         Das said while announcing MPC's deci-  that households are shifting from finan-  "Additional sector-specific conditions
         sion. The central bank also announced  cial savings to physical savings.  may also be prescribed at the time of
         that it was withdrawing its incremen-  "The absolute level of savings rose by  calling for applications," he added.
         tal cash reserve ratio (ICRR), which  14 per cent in 2023. There has been
         was introduced in August to withdraw  an increase in financial liabilities of  An SRO is a non-governmental
         surplus liquidity from the system in a  households. If you observe where these  organisation that sets and enforces
         phased manner.                     liabilities are being directed, they are  rules and standards relating to the con-
                                            mostly towards housing. Households  duct of member entities in the industry,
         Further, the MPC also decided that  are shifting from financial saving to  with the aim of protecting the customer
         Standing Deposit Facility (SDF) and  physical savings. When they make this  and promoting ethical and professional
         Marginal Standing Facility (MSF) rates
                                            shift, they contribute to investment;  standards. The SRO is expected to re-
         are also left unchanged at 6.25 per-  the physical part of savings goes di-  solve disputes among its members inter-
         cent and 6.75 percent, respectively.
                                            rectly into investment. So, in the next  nally through mutually accepted pro-
                                            year, you will observe an uptick in in-  cesses to ensure that members operate
         RBI permits middle and             vestment," Patra said.             in a disciplined environment and even
         base layer NBFCs to use            Net financial savings of households fell  accept penal actions by the SRO.
                                            to a 50-year low, reaching 5.1 per cent  An ideal SRO would function beyond
         credit risk mitigation tools
                                            of gross domestic product (GDP) in fi-  the narrow self-interests of the indus-
         RBI has allowed NBFCs classified as  nancial year 2023 (FY23) compared to  try and address larger concerns, such
         middle and base layer entities, to  7.2 per cent in FY22, according to data  as protecting customers, furthering
         utilise credit risk mitigation tools to  from the Reserve Bank of India (RBI).  training and education and strive for
         offset their exposure with eligible                                   development of members, the industry
         credit risk transfer instruments.  Furthermore, annual financial liabilities
                                            of households rose to 5.8 per cent of  and the ecosystem as a whole.
         The step has been taken to harmonise  GDP in FY23 compared with 3.8 per
         norms across NBFCs; currently, upper  cent in FY22.                   RBI asks BoB to suspend
         layer NBFCS under the Large Exposures
         Framework, are permitted to use    RBI to issue framework for         new customer onboarding
         Credit Risk Mitigation (CRM) instru-                                  on app
         ments to reduce their exposure to a  SRO recognition for regu-        RBI has asked Bank of Baroda (BoB) to
         counterparty.                      lated entities                     suspend further onboarding of custom-
         "With a view to harmonising credit  RBI is planning to issue a framework  ers onto the 'bob World', the lender's
         concentration norms among NBFCs, it  for the recognition of SROs (Self-Regu-  mobile banking application.

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