P. 13




         Tesla submits proposal to          borrowers from the earlier lower limit  Demat nomination dead-
                                            of Rs.100 crore borrowing from banks.
         build battery storage fac-         The new threshold limit will be notified  line extended

         tory in India                      soon. It also said that large corporates  SEBI extended the deadline for exist-
         Tesla is now looking to make and sell  who use the debt market to replace  ing demat account holders to provide
         battery storage systems in India amid  bank loans will be incentivised. It will  choice of nomination by another three
         an ongoing push to enter the country.  also do away with some of the penalty  months to December 31, 2023. Earlier,
         The Elon Musk-led company has re-  clauses for large corporate borrowers  the deadline for existing eligible trad-
         portedly drawn up plans and submitted  who do not meet the Sebi guidelines.  ing and demat account holders to pro-
         a proposal seeking incentives to build                                vide a choice of nomination was on or
         a factory. The development comes Finance ministry notifies            before September 30.
         amid talks to set up a new electric  28% GST for online gaming        "With respect to demat accounts, it
         vehicle factory in India.                                             has been decided to extend the last
                                            Online gaming companies will charge
         According to a Reuters report the  28% GST on full value of bets, while  date for submission of 'choice of nomi-
         company had held several meetings in  offshore platforms too would be re-  nation' to December 31, 2023," said
         New Delhi and proposed supporting                                     SEBI in a circular. The submission of
                                            quired to have GST registration to op-
         the country's battery storage capabili-                               'choice of nomination' for trading ac-
                                            erate in India.
         ties with its "Powerwall" system. The                                 counts has also been made voluntary
                                            But e-gaming companies flagged that  by the regulator as a move towards
         publication quoted unnamed sources
                                            since many states are yet to pass  the ease of doing business.
         to add that Indian officials have turned
         down calls for a number of incentives  amendments in their respective State
         to set up a battery storage factory.  GST laws, this notification by the fi-
                                            nance ministry will create confusion.  CBIC says no GST on
         There is however no assurance that  According to the changes to the Cen- Gangajal
         the plan will come to fruition, with of-
         ficials continuing to review the car  tral GST Act, online gaming, casinos  The CBIC said that there is no GST on
         company's proposal.                and horse racing will be treated as  Gangajal, amid Congress claims that
                                            "actionable claims" similar to lottery,  the government has imposed an 18
         SEBI relaxes rules for large       betting and gambling. The amend-   per cent tax on it. "Gangajal is used in
                                            ments will also provide for blocking  pooja by households across the coun-
         corp borrowers                     access to overseas platforms in case of  try and puja samagri is exempt under

         Sebi said it will increase the monetary  failure to comply with registration and  GST. All these items have been exempt
         threshold to define large corporate  tax payment provisions.          since the introduction of GST," the

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