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         "The RBI has, in exercise of its power,  On July 5, the Reserve Bank of India  cial advice and services rather than just
         under section 35A of the Banking Regu-  (RBI) had released a draft circular on  making sales, he added.
         lation Act, 1949, directed Bank of  changing the arrangements between  He said banks should have adequate
         Baroda to suspend, with immediate  card networks and banks and non-bank  oversight whenever a product or ser-
         effect, any further onboarding of their  entities authorised to issue cards.  vice is offered in partnership with a
         customers onto the 'bob World' mobile  According to the notification, cards  fintech. Banks must view fintech as an
         application," RBI said in a release  must be issued across more than one  opportunity and not a threat,
         It said the action on the bank is based  network and the issuers must give  Swaminathan added.
         on certain material supervisory con-  their customers the option to choose  "I am glad that most of you have
         cerns observed in the manner of    from them. Customers can exercise the  adopted such a collaborative ap-
         onboarding of their customers onto  option at the time of the issuance of  proach, but please bear in mind the
         this mobile application.           the card or at any other time. These  principal responsibility to your custom-
         Under section 35A, the RBI has power  orders were stated to be effective from  ers lies with you and not with partners.
                                            October 1.                         It is therefore essential to have ad-
         to give directions to banks 'to prevent
         the affairs of any banking company be-  The RBI also said the card issuers  equate oversight when a product or
         ing conducted in a manner detrimen-  should not enter into any arrangement  service is being offered through such
         tal to the interests of the depositors or  or agreement with card networks that  partnership channels."
         in a manner prejudicial to the interests  restrained them from taking the ser-
         of the banking company'.           vice of other card networks, thereby Bank boards should pre-
         The RBI directed BoB that any further  debarring banks from entering into  vent over dominance by a
         onboarding of customers of the bank  exclusive contracts with networks.  few members: RBI
         on the 'bob World' application will be
         subject to rectification of the deficien- Bank staff's first duty is to  Reserve Bank of India Governor
         cies observed and strengthening of the  meet needs of customers,      Shaktikanta Das asked bank boards to
                                                                               democratise discussions and prevent
         related processes by the bank to the                                  excessive dominance by few members.
         satisfaction of RBI.               not targets
                                            Banks must ensure their employees  In his address at the conference for di-
         The bank has also been directed to en-                                rectors of urban cooperative banks
         sure that already onboarded 'BoB   understand that the primary responsi-  (UCBs), Das said the quality of board
         World' customers do not face any dis-  bility is to serve a customers' financial  discussions should be free and frank
         ruption on account of this suspension.  needs, while maintaining a focus on  because the idea of cooperation is
                                            targets, said Swaminathan J, deputy
         In a statement, BoB said that it has al-  governor, Reserve Bank of India.  based on the idea of democracy.
         ready carried out corrective measures                                 "The (UCB) board members are elected
         to address the concerns of the RBI. It  While speaking to top executives of  and the underlying principle of the func-
                                            major banks on customer grievances,
         has initiated further steps to plug any                               tioning of the co-operative bank is de-
                                            Swaminathan said banks should have a
         remaining gaps identified. The lender                                 mocracy. The discussions on the board
         also assured its customers that they  policy on customer appropriateness  should be democratic and transparent.
         will not face any disruption and will con-  and product suitability framework to  Everybody should get a chance to speak
                                            help reduce mis-selling.
         tinue to enjoy uninterrupted services                                 and there should not be an over domi-
         on BoB World mobile app.           "Being commercial entities, there's  nance or excessive dominance by one or
                                            nothing wrong in being target-driven,  two members of the board or by the
         RBI's multiple card rule           but regulated entities must ensure  chairman or the vice chairman or a
         kicks off tomorrow                 employees understand their primary  group of directors," Das said.
                                            responsibility is to serve customers' fi-
         From October 1, banks will provide cus-                               "We have seen this in big commercial
         tomers the option to choose from mul-  nancial needs."                banks also, and wherever we have seen
         tiple card networks like Visa,     There should be a clear and transpar-  this, we have told banks that this is not
         MasterCard, and Rupay for their debit,  ent incentive structure that rewards  the way…one or two directors cannot
         credit, and prepaid cards.         employees for delivering quality finan-  excessively dominate," he said. T

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