P. 22




         Accused above 65 yrs can-          tendance at the police station, particu-  Noting that the grounds of arrest were
                                            larly when the PS was beyond the   only read to the accused and had not
         not be called for police stn       boundary limits of the person's residen-  been given to them in writing, the
         attendance                         tial area.                         bench said it "reeks of arbitrariness".
         Calcutta High Court recently ordered
         that the police can't ask an accused ED must give grounds of Defaulting borrowers can-
         aged above 65 years to appear at the  arrest in writing to ac- not thwart auction pro-
         police station with case documents.
                                            cused: SC                          cess: SC
         Justice Jay Sengupta ordered the police
                                            Underlining that the Enforcement Di-  A defaulting borrower cannot be al-
         to collect the document from his resi-
                                            rectorate (ED) is "not expected to be  lowed to thwart the auction of his
         dence or a place near his residence
                                            vindictive in its conduct", the Supreme  mortgaged properties by creditor fi-
         with prior intimation. The court passed
                                            Court ruled that the agency must fur-  nancial institutions by repaying dues
         the order while adjudicating a cattle
                                            nish the grounds of arrest in writing to  "any time", the Supreme Court ruled.
         smuggling case of Basirhat in North 24
                                            the accused at the time of arrest.  The top court held that such a bor-
         Parganas in 2017.
                                            "We hold that it will be necessary,  rower cannot seek redemption of his
         Petitioner's counsel Phiroze Edulji sub-
                                            henceforth, that a copy of grounds of  mortgaged property if he fails to repay
         mitted that his client Sk Aspire Ali, an
                                            arrest is furnished to the arrested per-  the dues to financial institutions before
         ailing senior citizen and a resident of
                                            son as a matter of course and without  publication of auction notice under a
         Uluberia, had been called by the
                                            exception," the bench of Justices A S  law  governing  recovery   of
         Basirhat policefour times asking for
                                            Bopanna and PV Sanjay Kumar ordered  NonPerforming Assets (NPAs).
         case-related documents.
                                            while directing that the agency act
         The counsel cited Section 160 of the  fairly and in a transparent manner.
                                                                               Before the SC: When is a
         CrPC that provides that no person un-  The judgement came on a plea by
         der the age of 15 years or above the  Pankaj Bansal and Basant Bansal, Di-  'Money Bill' not one?
         age of 65 years or a woman or a men-  rectors of M3M real estate group, who  A seven-judge bench will soon be set
         tally/physically disabled person shall be  had challenged an order of the Punjab  up to hear a batch of pleas challeng-
         required to attend at any place other  and Haryana High Court which de-  ing the Centre's use of the Money Bill
         than the place in which the person re-  clined to set aside their arrest by the  route to pass certain key legislations.
         sides. Justice Sengupta warned the po-  ED under the Prevention of Money  The CJI's observation was made when
         lice against calling such persons for at-  Laundering Act (PMLA).     he was hearing a plea specifically chal-

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