P. 23


         lenging certain amendments to the  the Rajya Sabha. The Opposition has  imagesand the specific approach to
         Prevention of Money Laundering Act  argued that this was done only be-  presenting stories would be exclusive
         (PMLA). The bench will essentially ex-  cause the government did not have the  to each platform.
         amine whether a law was validly    numbers to get these legislations
         categorised as a Money Bill or only to  cleared in the Rajya Sabha.   SEBI announces system to
         circumvent scrutiny of the Rajya Sabha.
                                                                               report demise of investor
         Article 110 of the Constitution deals No copyright for ideas, but
                                                                               The Securities and Exchange Board of
         with Money Bills. A money bill is a bill  copying expression is in-   India (SEBI) recently announced a
         that, in the opinion of the Speaker of
                                            fringement, says HC                centralised mechanism for reporting
         the Lok Sabha, deals with taxation or                                 and verification through the KYC Reg-
         the appropriation of public funds - the  The Delhi HC said that there is no copy-  istration Agency in the case of the de-
         Consolidated Fund of India or the Con-  right protection for an idea itself, how-
                                                                               mise of an investor.
         tingency Fund of India. A money bill  ever, if the "expression" of the idea is
         can only be introduced in the Lok  copied, it would indeed constitute  The regulator has put in place opera-
         Sabha, and the Speaker categorising a  copyright infringement.        tional norms, including the obligations
         bill as a "money bill" means that it  A single-judge Bench of Justice  of regulated entities and registered
         need not be passed by the Rajya Sabha.  Prathiba M Singh was hearing the  intermediaries that have interfaces
         The union budget, for example, is a                                   with investors or account holders who
                                            copyright infringement dispute be-
         money bill.                        tween two storytelling platforms -  are natural persons. The new frame-
                                                                               work will come into effect from Janu-
         According to Article 110 (3) of the Con-  Humans of Bombay (HOB) and People
                                                                               ary 1, 2024, SEBI said in a circular.
         stitution, "if any question arises  of India (POI).
         whether a Bill is a Money Bill or not,  The lawsuit was initiated by HOB,  The regulator said that listed compa-
         the decision of the Speaker of the  which alleged that POI had been in-  nies wishing to provide beneficial ac-
         House of the People thereon shall be  fringing on its copyrighted content. It  cess to such a centralized mechanism
         final." This raises the question of the  contended that the latter had not only  to their investors holding securities in
         extent of judicial review possible on the  used identical content but had also  physical form can establish connectiv-
         Speaker's decision. However, the court  replicated its business model, including  ity with KRA through their RTAs.
         in the 2018 Aadhaar case had said that  the stories they published.   After receiving intimation about the
         the Speaker's decision will be subject                                demise of an investor, the concerned
                                            POI argued that the plaintiff was not
         to judicial scrutiny.                                                 intermediary will have to obtain the
                                            a unique platform and pointed out that
         Under Article 110(1), a Bill is deemed  there were other similar platforms  death certificate along with the PAN
         to be a money Bill if it deals only with  with similar business models. They also  from the notifier or nominee and verify
         matters specified in Article 110 (1) (a)  claimed that HOB's concept had simi-  the death certificate through online or
         to (g) - taxation, borrowing by the  larities with Humans of New York,  offline mode.
         government, and appropriation of   which began in 2010.               If the concerned intermediary, after
         money from the Consolidated Fund of                                   receiving information about the de-
                                            Singh recorded the plaintiff's stance
         India, among others. Article 110(1)(g)                                mise of the investor from the notifier
                                            that they had no objection to POI op-
         adds that "any matter incidental                                      or nominee, is not in a position to ob-
                                            erating a similar platform, as long as
         to any of the matters specified in Ar-                                tain the death certificate, then it will
                                            they refrained from copying its images.
         ticles 110(1)(a)-(f)" can also be a                                   have to inform the nominee that the
         Money Bill.                        The court stated that there should be  KYC status of the deceased investor has
                                            no monopoly in the operation of a
         Citing this additional clause, the Modi                               been flagged off as "On Hold" and re-
                                            storytelling platform. The verdict clari-
         government has introduced several key                                 quire them to furnish the death certifi-
                                            fied that the act of copying identical
         legislation as a Money Bill, bypassing                                cate of the concerned investor.

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