Page 33 - Insurance Times September 2019
P. 33







          When we educate and empower one woman,              social security is must to insulate her risk and mitigate her
                    we set off a chain reaction               personals suffering in the Indian society.
          that transforms the life of her family and the
                                                              In the history, the social status of women is said to be full
                      community she lives in.                 of honor and conviction, While the truth is that they still
                                   - Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw      struggle for their identity and respect Although the Indian
                                                              government is constantly making efforts to protect women,
         Women have always been contributing to see the Indian  But still in the Indian society, women are neglected in many
         economy achieve speedy progress. They are always at the  areas today. Prejudices are limited or unacceptable for
         forefront of India's economic development history. On the  nutrition, education, health and property rights, child labor
         other side the concern is gender bias that still exists at  and domestic violence etc. Recognition of ancient times
         every social stratum. Thus, what women of today need the  due to nutrition, education, health and property rights,
         most that is the social security? The social fabric is such in  child labor and domestic violence etc. these efforts are
         India that she faces discrimination on many accounts in her  limited or unacceptable.
         life and she is subjected to always insecurity. Financial
         insecurity is the biggest challenge she faces. In this respect  The behavior and knowledge of today's woman is evolving,
                                                              fear of sexual acts and violence in women, issues of
                        About the author                      disintegration of power in the physical and economic areas
                                                              between the gender, the issues of struggle against violence
           Manisha Mathur                                     are becoming. In spite of getting a constitutional guarantee
           M.Sc. (I.T.), Scholar (Mewar University, Chittorgarh)  of equality of gender, discrimination and exploitation of
           Information Assistant (Digital Library)            women in Indian society is continuing. Misbehaviour and
           National Law University Jodhpur                    mistreatment of women are continuing and harassment,

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