Page 36 - Insurance Times September 2019
P. 36
points. The online selling Insurance products and cyber on the mobile or apps in a short and simple language which
security awareness women must be further boost and women can understand easily then online insurance market
spread so that various internet surfers and apps user will be flies up and insurance can deliver social security
women who seeking for social security can also effectively schemes more effectively to more and more women's of
take part to the buying more and more products of our society.
insurance. By this all ways Information communication
technology and its operation can play a key role to flying References:
time to the insurance market and improve system 1. Social Security - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediahttps://
according to the need of women customer.
Conclusion: insurance/life-insurance-for-women
Millions of women are using the internet on the mobile.
3. Gender Pay Gap in India - Evidence from Paycheck Data,
We cannot deny that Internet market of insurance and
delivering social security is rising through the coming of gap-in-india
technologies. The rates of buyers are also increasing now
a days but the women involvement in buying insurance
product is less.
We think after getting clear, robust, and authenticate
6. LIC Online Plans - Life Insurance Corporation of India,
information through the specific reliable channel, after
solve online problems immediately, take feedback from a
woman time to time by her cell-phone and more and more 7. Interview with fewer urban women.
awareness programs are conducted by the insurance 8. Expert opinion on difficulties related to online purchasing
company and if women security related points are describe policies by women.
Tech tips for disaster preparedness
No matter where you live there's always the potential cal information in a file you can access even if connec-
for the weather to go bad. Very bad. I'm talking hurri- tivity is down. You don't want to get caught needing to
cane, tornado, or even earthquake bad. know one thing to get the Internet back to working but
need the Internet working to find out what it is.
So before you're glued to the weather app watching the
onslaught build, if you even get that much notice, you 4. Keep redundancy in mind.
need to put together your disaster data plan. This is the more widely applicable principle behind the
Here are five tips for tech disaster prepared- extra cell phone. Host data in multiple locations, prefer-
able places with different geographic risk factors.
5. Plan and test.
1. Have a backup phone in your emergency kit.
Get your team together and make sure you have a plan
A cheap Android phone can give you access to impor-
for what happens. Then test it. Find out if your redundant
tant communications and data if your main phone is system will kick in and remain seamless. Do this twice a
year minimum. Make it simple for people to remember
2. Get a solar charger. what to do in a crisis and make sure it's going to work!
Battery life will be critical if the power goes out. A so-
Now all this is assuming you and your team are physi-
lar charger can help you keep connected in situations
cally safe. This is also assuming you already put together
where wireless is still up but the electricity where you
your 72-hour kits and all the other essential emergency
are isn't.
preparedness you need as a human! If you haven't done
3. Store important notes offline. that, that's the most important tip. Do it. Now. (Source:
Whether it's Evernote or SimpleNote, list all your criti- Tech Republic)
36 The Insurance Times, September 2019