Page 37 - Insurance Times September 2019
P. 37
Life Insurance Plan
Jeevan Amar
(A Non-linked, Non-participating, Life Term
Assurance Plan)
from Life Insurance Corporation of India
L IC’s Jeevan Amar plan is a Non-Linked, Without Y Option to enhance your coverage by opting for
Profit, pure protection plan. The plan offers the
Accident Benefit Rider on payment of additional
flexibility to choose from two death benefit
options viz: Level Sum Assured and increasing Sum premium for rider benefit.
Assured. Eligibility conditions and other
Under this plan, there are two categories of premium rates
viz (1) Non-Smoker rates and (2) Smoker rates. Also lower a) Minimum Age at entry : [18] years (Last Birthday)
premium rates will be available for female proposers. b) Maximum Age at entry : [65] years (Last Birthday)
The policyholder has the option to choose from Single, c) Maximum age at Maturity : [80] years (Last Birthday)
Regular and Limited Premium payment option. The plan d) Minimum Basic Sum Assured: Rs. 25,00,000/-.
also offers the flexibility to choose death benefit payment
either as a lump sum payment and/or in installments. e) Maximum Basic Sum Assured: No Limit
The Basic Sum Assured shall be in multiples of:
LIC’s Jeevan Amar, being a pure protection plan, offers Rs. 1,00,000/-, if Basic Sum Assured for the policy is
life cover to the policyholder at a very affordable price Rs. 25,00,000/- to Rs. 40,00,000/-
and ensures financial support for the family in case of
unfortunate death of the policyholder during the policy Rs. 10,00,000/-, if Basic Sum Assured for the policy is
term. above Rs. 40,00,000/-.
f) Policy Term : [10 to 40] years
Key features: g) Premium Paying Term :
Y Flexibility to choose from two benefit options: Level Regular Premium : Same as policy term
Sum Assured and Increasing Sum Assured.
Limited Premium : [Policy Term minus 5] years for
Y Flexibility to
Policy Term [10 to 40] years
o Choose from Single Premium, Regular Premium
and Limited Premium Payment : [Policy Term minus 10] years for Policy Term [15 to
40] years
o Choose the Policy Term/Premium Paying Term
Single Premium : NA
o Opt for payment of benefit in instalments.
Y Special rates for women. Plan Features:
Y Benefit of attractive High Sum Assured Rebate. 1. Death Benefit:
Y Two categories of premium rates namely (1) Non- Death benefit payable in case of admissible death claim
Smoker rates and (2) Smoker rates. The application of during the policy term, provided the policy is inforce shall
Non-Smoker rates shall be based on the findings of be “Sum Assured on Death”.
the Urinary Cotinine test. In all other cases, the For Regular premium and Limited premium payment policy,
Smoker rates will be applicable. “Sum Assured on Death” is defined as the highest of:
The Insurance Times, September 2019 37