Page 27 - Insurance Times September 2020
P. 27



         Saudi insurers struggling          industry. Along with the motor indus-  pre-COVID forecast of 11.9%, primarily
                                            try reporting a decline in accidents  due to the ongoing economic uncer-
         with solvency and decline          and claims during the lockdown, there  tainty and the imposition of country-
         in policy sales due to             has also been a strong decline in the  wide lockdown restrictions.
                                            policy sales.”
         COVID-19                                                              Pratyusha Mekala, Insurance Analyst
                                            However, insurers have utilized digital  at GlobalData, comments: “The Indian
         The ongoing consolidation in the insur-                               economy is projected to contract
         ance industry is likely to accelerate due  channels to keep the industry moving  sharply by 4.5% in FY2021, primarily
         to COVID-19 as the insurers continue  throughout lockdown.            due to the economic impact of the
         to struggle. With lower profit margins  Ms Mitra concludes: “Saudi insurers  pandemic. With businesses coming to
         and heavy losses, the pandemic is ex-  are continuing their business via virtual  a grinding halt and consumer spending
         pected to add to the woes in the sol-  ad online channels. Live chat on the  on a decline, the general insurers are
         vency position of the Saudi insurers,  company’s website, Twitter and  expected to witness lower premium
         says GlobalData, a leading data and  WhatsApp are among the key digital  collection.”
         analytics company.                 initiatives to stay connected to cus-
                                            tomers.”                           The impact of economic slowdown is
         GlobalData expects the general insur-                                 most evident in motor insurance, which
         ance market to increase gross written                                 accounted for one-third of general in-
         premiums (GWP) at a compound an-   General insurance busi-            surance premiums in 2019. During
         nual growth rate (CAGR) of 1.6% in ness in India to contract          January to July 2020, motor insurance
         2020, down from the pre-COVID-19   by 9% in 2020 due to               premiums registered year-on-year de-
         expectations of 5.2%. Similarly, the                                  cline of 19.2%, according to the Insur-
         forecast growth of 3.6% in 2021 is COVID-19                           ance Regulatory and Development
         down from the previously expected  General insurance business in India is  Authority of India (IRDAI).
         rate of 5.1%. However, losses are likely  expected to contract by 9% in 2020  The recent regulatory changes are
         to be almost recovered by 2023 with  due to COVID-19, a sharp decline from  expected to further affect motor insur-
         the expected growth rate to be 5.2%,  the 10% growth witnessed in 2019,  ance premium. In March 2020, to pro-
         which is marginally less compared to  according to GlobalData, a leading  vide relief to policyholders during the
         5.4% that was previously estimated.  data and analytics company.      pandemic, IRDAI postponed planned
         Deblina Mitra, Insurance Analyst at  GlobalData has revised India’s insur-  premium hike ranging between 2-10%,
         GlobalData, comments: “The govern-  ance forecast in the aftermath of  on third-party liability insurance.
         ment has made COVID-19 related     COVID-19 outbreak. As per the latest  Similarly, stagnation is expected in
         medical care free of charge for all resi-  data, India’s general insurance market  property insurance as construction in-
         dents, including foreign populations  is expected to register a compound  dustry grappled with supply chain dis-
         who have overstayed their visit. This  annual growth rate (CAGR) of 4.7%  ruptions and shutdowns due to
         will ease the burden on the insurance  over 2019-2024, as compared to the  lockdown restrictions.

                                                                     The Insurance Times, September 2020 23
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