Page 211 - Liability Insurance IC74
P. 211

Guide for Liability Insurance

         as per the Government Scheme. Any award that
         exceeds the amount payable under the Insurance Policy
         shall be met from the Relief fund, and in case the award
         exceeds the total of the amount which falls short of
         such sum shall be met by the owner.

         Repeat of Q3© of May 2007.
         The following may be exempted from compulsory
         insurance by the Central Government :
         a) The Central Government.
         b) Any State Government.
         c) Any corporation owned or controlled by the Central

              or State Government or
         d) Any local authority.

(b) Illustrate with examples Policy Period and period
         of insurance.

Ans. 'Policy Period' means the period commencing from the
         effective date and hour as shown in the Policy Schedule
         and terminating at midnight on the expiry date as shown
         in the Schedule. For e.g, the period may commence at
         11 AM on 1.1.2009 and expire at midnight on 31.12.2009.

         'Period of Insurance' means the period commencing
         from the retroactive date and terminating on the expiry

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