Page 208 - Liability Insurance IC74
P. 208
The Insurance Times
(ii) Sports facilities - this extension includes legal liability
of the Insured for death, bodily injury or loss or damage
to or loss of use of sports facilities.
The extension is subject to conditions that :
(d) The equipments and the premises used for sports
are kept in a state of good and proper maintenance.
(e) Adequate guards and experienced trainers are on
duty, where necessary and
(f) Coverage is subject to specified limits of indemnity
(a.o.a/a.o.y) which form part of the overall limits.
(iii) Food and beverages - legal liability for death and/or
bodily injury and loss or damage to or loss of use of
property arising out of poisoning by foreign or deleterious
matter in food, beverages andor any other edible items
supplied by the Insured. The extension is subject to :
(d) The provision that the Insured shall take every
possible precaution that the food etc supplied is free
from any contamination and fit for human consumption
and that
(e) Limits a.o.a and a.o.y selected form part of the
overall limits of indemnity mentioned in the schedule.
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