Page 207 - Liability Insurance IC74
P. 207
Guide for Liability Insurance
misleading statement, omission, breach of warranty of
authority or other act done or wrongly attempted by
any director or officer.
Q5. Please answer any 2:
(a) The additional liabilities which can be covered
under Public Liability Nonindustrial Risks -
Ans. Repeat Q8 of May 2007
The following additional liabilities can be covered under
Public Liability Non industrial Risks:
(i) Property in the hotel's custody - the extension
includes the legal liability of the hotel for loss/damage
to property of the residents/ bonafide guests whilst under
the care, control and custody of the hotel management
up to limits specified in the schedule: Any one Accident
and Aggregate during the policy period. The limits are
part of the overall limits specified in the schedule.
There are several special features of the extension:
b) The cover does not apply to legal liability arising out
of loss of and damage to valuables of residents/ bonafide
guests unless, (i) they are kept in the strong/cloak room
maintained by the hotel for safekeeping and (ii) the hotel
maintains proper records of such valuables in respect
of each resident/bonafide guest.
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