Page 205 - Liability Insurance IC74
P. 205

Guide for Liability Insurance

    whom it should be paid.

b) The insurer who is required to pay the relief, shall
    deposit the award within thirty days of
    announcement. If not deposited, the Act provides
    that the amount can be recovered from the insurers
    as arrears of land revenue or as of public demand.

c) The Rules provide that in awarding the relief the
    Collector shall insure that the maximum liability of
    the insurers under the policy does not exceed the
    limits stipulated in the Act, viz Rs. 5 crores (a.o.a)
    and Rs. 15 crores (a.o.y).

    Any award in excess of these limits are met from
    the Environment Relief Fund. If the award exceeds
    even the insurance and relief fund together, the
    excess has to be made good by the owner.

(b) State categories of claims under Workmen's
    Compensation Policy - claims under Walkmans
    compensation policies fall into the following

(i) Fatal claims - in addition to claim form, fatal injury
    claims have to be substantiated by death certificate,

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