Page 244 - Liability Insurance IC74
P. 244

The Insurance Times

              climbing, Hand gliding, Horse riding, Swimming etc
              and whether such games are taught under the
              supervision of trainers and bodyguards.
         (vi) (a) Number of laboratories. (b) Measures taken to
              prevent accident in laboratories.
         (vii)(a)Whether outings (including Educational tours) are
              arranged by the School/College and if so, how often.
              (b) Procedure for taking the students for such
         (viii)Teachers/Students ratio.

Questions asked by underwriters for accepting the policy
for Warehouses/Godowns - (i) the types of items likely
to be stored or sold in each of the premises.

(ii) whether(a) hazardous items like chemicals/crackers/
explosives/paints/kerosene/lubricants/spirits etc are likely
to be stored.(b) if yes, the maximum quantity and value
of each item stored and the percentage value of such
hazardous items to total stock.(c) municipal and other
regulations for such storage are complied with.

(iii) in case of warehouse is or godowns the area
occupied in cubic metres.

(iv) details of measures for prevention/controller fire or
explosion risks.

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