Page 26 - Life Insurance Today January-June 2020
P. 26

A number of e-commerce companies across India are now  across India, brokers and agents continue to be the
         offering insurance cover and income protection plans to  dominant point of sales.
         their delivery partners, local vendors and supply-chain
         associates. With coronavirus cases rising rapidly it is  While the younger generation of consumers evaluate and
         important for these companies, especially those engaged  assess insurance products online, the actual sale usually
         in food and goods delivery business. These companies face  requires a face-to-face conversation with the agent. By
         greater risks of revenue loss as they depend on delivery  developing an end-to-end sales tool for the front-line sales staff,
         executives who are more likely to contract the respiratory  we are helping Indian firms develop a robust "hybrid model"
         disease given the nature of their operations.        where digital tools help agents find the right products to sell
                                                              to the right customers. Equally significant, the move to digital
         Most of the e-commerce companies such as Flipkart,   sales allows agents to develop and store customer data based
         Zomato, Swiggy, BigBasket and Amazon have purchased  on their daily client interaction. Over time, this will allow
         medical insurance covers ranging from $670 to $6,660 for  agents to change their sales approach from a service delivery
         their delivery workforce, both permanent and freelance  model to one where they own and manage client
         staff. "Companies, mostly in the e-commerce sector, who  relationships, thus leading to cross-selling opportunities.
         have frontline workers and delivery boys, are now buying
         insurance plans with sum assured of up to $6,660 per  While many Indian insurers have adopted various digital
         person to cover against COVID-19 risks.              technologies, primarily mobile-based touch points for their
                                                              customers and distributors, the potential of digital
         The premium for such products is around $34." The size of  technologies to significantly affect their operations and
         the employees' medical insurance business (taken by  customers have not been explored yet. Moreover, due to
         companies) is around $1bn at present and poised to grow  the characteristics of the Digital Natives, one of the major
         at 30-40%. India is now the third worst pandemic-affected  issues any business is facing is their engagement metrics.
         country in the world, with total reported cases at 1.04m  Various means of engagement are being tried out in the
         so far. Most major cities and metros have seen a surge in  form of mobile advertisements, marketing campaigns and
         cases over the past few weeks.                       push messages about products.

         Too early to judge success:                          However, a meaningful conversation with customers has

         While mobile and digital applications are targeted to  not yet been initiated. Insurance products have even fewer
         specific markets, such as funeral insurance, major initiatives  touch points with customers, except for renewals and
         are transforming back-office operations to become more  claims if required. In this scenario, insurance companies can
         cost-effective and reliable. Boosting the company's back-  leverage their tie-ups with their distributors and explore
         office efficiency without endangering the brokerage  other businesses to cross-sell opportunities, driven by a
         relationship will be key. Traditional insurance firms have  digital operational backbone. This can help to bring
         focused on making sales processes easier for the digital  together insurers and other businesses to cover specific risks
         customer, but primarily in non-life products because of the  (One Need, One Product). In the digital context, the
         strong position brokers and intermediaries still possess in  customer acquires a complex digital identity.
         life coverage.
                                                              For organizations, understanding the identity and
         It is too early to judge success, but executives often need  delivering customised outcomes becomes a priority. The
         to explore the potential of a new distribution model. While  organization has to continuously innovate and adapt to new
         most insurers see the benefits of digital strategies, only a  business models. This can be often achieved with help from
         few have implemented them. As digital sales increase,  the larger eco-system by building a network of partnerships.
         expect companies to launch products that enhance the  Such partnerships are loosely coupled through digital
         customer journey. Even though digital channels have  channels and can enable growth of penetration for
         become a more significant method for selling insurance  insurance companies.

                                              May you live all the days of your life.

         26                                        January - June 2020                        Life Insurance Today
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