Page 22 - Life Insurance Today January-June 2020
P. 22

COVID-19 has made us uncomfortable and anxious. It's also  innovation is no longer regarded as an exercise for
         fair to say that it has changed us and our habits.   producing a complicated and intricate product, but an
         Throughout human history, every challenge we've faced has  effort to simplify and connect to the customer in a hyper
         made us more resilient. This pandemic is yet another  personalized manner like never before. Instead of all risk
         example of "life-changing." So, it's especially crucial that  products, people are demanding a simple one risk cover
         we understand how the insurance industry can adapt to  product which is easy to understand and therefore allows
         the changing market needs. When companies or industries  customers to choose discrete individualized need based
         fall by the wayside because of their stubbornness to adapt  covers. The language of the policies needs to be simplified
         or realise that the world is adapting and leaving them  to keep pace with the expected customer centricity.
         behind. Kodak is one example. Other prime exhibits include:
         Pan Am, Nokia, BlackBerry, Blockbuster Video and     Penetration of insurance being low is not a new fact. The
         MySpace.                                             GDP is growing at a fast pace and the rate of penetration
                                                              has to increase at a faster pace to reach the desired levels.
         The last example is probably one of the more recent  Several distribution channel level innovations have been
         examples of how tech so rapidly transformed that a pioneer  introduced by the regulator to help the industry reach out
         tech company got left by the wayside. The pandemic has  to a larger population. However, proliferation of
         transformed consumers' view on insurance products and  distribution is not matched with the product simplification
         the way they purchase insurance. It is not surprising to see  necessary to make it easy to sell and service. The
         consumers' interest in insurance has increased since the  government is actively driving digitisation through India
         COVID-19 outbreak, especially when insurance companies  Stack, direct benefit transfers and other initiatives under
         have proactively contacted their customers.          the Digital India umbrella.

         Whatever it is called - lockdown, "Circuit Breaker" or social  Given the unprecedented increase of smart phone
         distancing - it has altered our attitudes towards daily life  proportion and ease of internet access through the
         via Smartphone, tablet or laptop whether forced or by  competition of network providers, insurance companies will
         choice. Whether we're buying, selling, ordering, delivering  need to strategically adopt the technological infrastructure
         or working, it's taking place online. To reinforce this,  required to launch products that meet customer needs. The
         insurers have found that consumers express a strong desire  customer access across the vast geography of India so far
         to buy new policies and submit claims through digital  has come at a great cost and involved investment of large
         channels. Drawing on the survey results, the unprecedented  amounts of capital.
         environment has now highlighted the importance and
         opportunities for insurers to elevate their digitalisation  That is going to change dramatically now. Leveraging low
         plans.                                               cost digital distribution channels for sales and service could
                                                              play a significant role in helping insurance companies
         As digital technologies evolve, companies are finding new  deepen market penetration. Implementation and use of
         ways to speed up processes, reduce costs and strengthen  digital technologies have ushered in a new breed of
         their brand recognition in the market. Firms are continuing  customers who are tech-savvy, connected and informed
         to boost investments in artificial intelligence, machine  and want insurance companies to deliver exactly they
         learning and big data and expand use of telematics, mobile  genuinely value rather more of the same that is being
         phones and table computers.                          served today.

         New age customers:                                   In the experimental stage:
         The new-age customer is demanding simpler terms,     Simplification of processes will also lead to some degree of
         transparent underwriting, easily comprehensible benefit  uniformity in the expectations of customers in their
         structures and minimal human interaction. Product    interactions with multiple insurers. India is seeing fast-

                                            In the middle of a difficulty lies opportunity.

         22                                        January - June 2020                        Life Insurance Today
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