Page 20 - Life Insurance Today January-June 2020
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premium rate for all Term Insurance covers from April,  Customers may also be found involved in
         2020. Simultaneously in this backdrop of conglomeration
                                                              health-claim fraud in some ways like -
         and hipped up of likely claims to be registrar, steps for fraud  1. Filing claims for such medical services which are not
         detection and dealing with fraud cases under the health
                                                                  actually received by him/her.
         are posed a tremendous challenge. Main impact will be on
         the health insurance related claims under the Life Insurance  2. Falsification of records for illegally obtaining insurance
         coverages.                                               benefits.

         This prolonged lockdown period has also changed the While summing up:
         insurance operation where the agents have learnt to  From whatever has been discussed, it may be concluded
         distinctly communicate and sale the insurance products on  that the life insurance business is growing at current annual
         mobile net via video calling and basically being imbibed to  rate of 21.9%. However the insurance penetration in the
         the habit of operating, transacting and sharing data  country is very poor. The insurance market has witnessed
         digitally all on a sudden maintaining the norms of working  a dynamic change which includes presence of a fair number
         from home and social distancing.                     of life segments. Most of the private insurance companies
                                                              have formed joint venture with recognized foreign players
         But the aspect of evidence of moral hazard in insurance  across the globe. To achieve success in the marketing of
         parlance has not been addressed adequately. "Fraud   the Life insurance products, the entire business
         management" is grey area and TPAs or insurers have not  environment is required to be considered.
         been very successful in detecting and preventing the
         healthcare frauds. The lack of objective measures in  The strategies are to be adopted based on the dynamics
         treatment protocols and standard treatment guidelines are  of the market trends. To be successful, a life insurer must
         the causes of the healthcare provider related frauds being  have quality people, innovative management, be able to
         inflicted on the insurer community. Three parties may be  employ technology effectively, besides having the right
         associated with these Health insurance frauds: (a) Service  products and distribution channels. At a personal level,
         providers which include doctors, hospitals, ambulance  buying life insurance as a priority will provide more people
         companies and laboratories, (b) Insurance companies and  ultimately to reduce their financial anxiety and also
         intermediaries like TPAs, and (c) Customers.         ensuring their medical security simultaneously.

         Service providers' fraud include for:-               References:

         1. Billing for services which are not actually performed.  Different contemporary discussions & information as
                                                              collected & collated from various text materials available
         2. Carrying on unnecessary diagnostic and other tests by
                                                              on-line & in hard copies.
             way of falsification of medical history of the patient.
         3. Providing unnecessary services to attract more money  Web Resources:
             from the insurers.
         4. Billing more costly services than the one actually
         Commitment of fraud by insurance companies               positive-enablers-say-industry
         or intermediaries may be due to -                    4.
         1. Involvement of employees in creating false claims.    insurance-company-ltd/stocks/companyid-3068.cms
         2. Illegal gratification from the healthcare service  5.
             providers.                                       6. -companies

                                        Happiness is the absence of the striving for happiness.

         20                                        January - June 2020                        Life Insurance Today
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