Page 16 - Life Insurance Today January-June 2020
P. 16

investment schemes for the simple reason that it offers  though there is strong potential for expansion of insurance
         financial protection from risks, something that is missing in  into rural areas, growth has so far remained slow.
         non-insurance products. Insurance is a unique investment  Considering that the bulk of the Indian population still
         avenue that delivers sound returns in addition to    resides in rural areas, it is imperative that the insurance
         protection. Designed to safeguard against losses suffered  industry's development should not miss this vast sector of
         due to any unforeseen events, insurance provides the  the population.
         investor with unique sense of security that no other form
         of investment provides. Insurance also provides a safeguard  India's insurance industry needs an environment of positive
         in the case of accidents or a drop in income after   'enablers' in form of increased competition, outreach
         retirement. An accident or disability can be devastating;  personnel and an easing of regulatory regime to achieve
         an insurance policy can lend timely support to the family in  greater demographic penetration, said two senior industry
         such times. It also comes as a great help when people  executives at a panel discussion. The duo were speaking at
         retire.                                              the Times Network India Economic Conclave 2019,
                                                              discussing the role of insurance industry in helping India
         Global scenario in life insurance sector in          become a $5 trillion economy. While speaking on the issues
                                                              of under penetration, which at less than 4.5% of the GDP
         this current era:                                    is low compared to advanced economies, stems from

         Globally, the share of life insurance business is 56.2% in  problems of outreach rather than a shortage of demand,
         total insurance premium. However; the share of life  they said. "Demand is not as much an issue. There is a huge
         insurance business for India is comparatively high around  market. The problem is reach," said Vipin Anand, MD, Life
         80 % while the share of non -life insurance business  Insurance Corporation (LIC), while sharing a panel with
         relatively small at 20%. In life insurance business, India is  Vibha Padalkar, MD and CEO, HDFC Life.
         ranked 11th among the 88 countries.
                                                              "India is a huge country with diverse demographics. If we
         The Indian non- life insurance sector witnessed the average  can ensure a network of agents that can reach nook and
         yearly growth of approximately 4.2 % (inflation adjusted)  corner of the country and sell these policies face to face,
         during the last decade. The measure of insurance     the target of selling Rs.100 billion worth of life insurance
         penetration and density reflects the level of development  policies can easily be achieved," Mr. Anand added. Both
         of insurance sector in a country, while insurance    the industry veterans were comparing India's insurance
         penetration is measured as the percentage of insurance  industry to that of China said that there is much to learn
         premium to GDP; insurance density is calculated as the ratio  from the neighboring market. "China's penetration to GDP
         of premium to population (per capita premium). During the
         first decade of insurance sector liberalization, the sector
         has reported unswerving increase in insurance penetration
         from 2.71 % in 2001 to 5.2 % percent in 2009 when
         stabilized after privatizing.

         Now the most prominent issue in this life insurance sector
         relates to under penetration, which at present is hovering
         around 4.5% of the GDP - is undeniably low compared to
         advanced countries -it mainly stems from problems of
         outreach rather than a shortage of demand - Demand is
         not as much an issue as there is a huge market but the
         problem is related to reach. Developments with far-
         reaching implications, like the proliferation of
         bancassurance as an alternative distribution channel. Even

                                              The purpose of our lives is to be happy.

         16                                        January - June 2020                        Life Insurance Today
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