Page 12 - Life Insurance Today January-June 2020
P. 12

Appropriate standards / benchmarks have to be developed  processes and systems and increases transparency, be
         based on various general factors mentioned herein above  wasted. It is several such small incremental improvements
         (and there could be many more). By their very nature the  in retrospect, represent / constitute the achievement of
         standards cannot be static, hence a mechanism has to be  some thing which once was deemed unachievable /
         in place to regularly keep the developed bench marks  impossible. Irrespective of the outcome, some churning of
         updated.                                             ideas is always a welcome sign of life. Let us try to live.
                                                              Some action points :
         Elements of operational items for which standards are
                                                              1. Start to disclose readily available real term service
         needed have to be constantly monitored. Un-monitored
                                                                  measures / parameters (To begin with number and type
         standards are no standards. The goals an organisation
         wishes to pursue may be the prerogative of each          of customers, or sum insured) and simultaneously start
         organisation. When we are talking of the standards or    developing mechanisms to extract as many such
         benchmarks we do not mean to interfere with              additional parameters measures as possible over a
         organisational prerogatives. But we are talking about some  specified period and make their disclosure a routine
         guide posts meant for higher purpose having community    affair.
         interest at core and for enhancing readers understanding.  2. Review the manner and format of reporting to increase
                                                                  the intelligibility and transparency. Inter-sector
         In each one of the above areas, “how much is too much ?”  comparison of key factors should also be the focus of
         is question whose answer, can never have consensus. The  such revision. appropriate comparison. Report on
         issue is of quality over quantity. Very often deluge of  performance, and Report on state of affairs / status
         information (repeated presentation of the same set)      should focus on exceptions /deviations and exclude the
         confuses the reader and puts him off. Most of it is routine  routine.
         stuff. The significant one, if any, either remains hidden or  3. A broader institutional frame work (may be Institute
         gets crowded out by the routine. Therefore the manner and  of Chartered Accountants of India, has to work towards
         method of presentation is extremely important and needs,  evolving practices which can facilitate inter-sector
         not only be thoroughly thought out but also regular follow  comparisons. Simultaneously organisations have to
         up for incremental improvements. Standards / benchmarks  ensure the necessary flexibility in their systems, so that
         should help in identifying the significant ones by easily  it becomes easier to adapt to changes.
         locating deviations / exceptions, to make them the focus of
         reporting.                                           4. Performance analysis, and review by an independent,
                                                                  authoritative body other than regular overseeing
                                                                  authorities. Such a body should have right kind of
         To sum up, the hustle and bustle of day to day corporate
         life focused more on the immediate needs, has no scope   people.
         for looking back, nor does it leave any scope for finer  5. A body representing the industry has to examine and
         aspects of commoner's interest. Yet, self interest calls for  work on the theme of evolving benchmarks / standards
         some real introspection at regular intervals. No opportunity,  / norms against the backdrop of which the performance
         how so ever small, which enhances the simplification of  needs to be reviewed. T

                        LIC invests Rs. 46,850 cr in equities during Apr-Jan
           LIC has infused Rs 46,850.33 crore in equities in the first 10 months of FY20, according to official data. In the April-
           January period of FY19, LIC has invested Rs 59,115.67 crore. According to LIC, its profit in the first 10 months of FY20
           from investments in equities increased by 42.36% to Rs 23,273.85 crore, from Rs 16,348.81 crore a year ago.
           During the same period, domestic institutional investors (DIIs) inclusive of mutual funds and insurance firms had in-
           vested Rs 56,827.37 crore in the stock markets.
           According to the press release, LIC breached the Rs 1.5 trillion mark in new business premium for the first time ever
           in the 10-month period in order to maintain its dominant position in the industry, growing 17.48% year-on-year in
           terms of first-year premium to Rs 45,199 crore.

         12                                        January - June 2020                        Life Insurance Today
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