Page 13 - Life Insurance Today January-June 2020
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A s a result of the viral COVID-19 outbreak, many 1. Keep in touch and leverage
of us have joined the millions of people around
communications tools
the world working from home, which has been
declared a global pandemic as of this week.
Open lines of communication and building a strong rapport
Many of the world's leading US-based tech companies such Communicate and stay connected with your colleagues!
as Apple, Google, Facebook, Intel, Salesforce, Microsoft, with your team is crucial for maintaining interpersonal
LinkedIn, and Twitter have implemented work from home relationships while working remotely. Leverage digital tools
policies in an effort to keep their employees safe and slow we have available such as Teams, Skype, email, video
the spread of the virus. conferencing, messaging apps, etc. to facilitate
communication and stay in the loop with one another.
After a week of working remotely, our team thought it'd be
a great opportunity to share what has been working for us, Scheduling time for virtual coffee, lunch, happy hours, or
as well as compile some best practices and tips on what has even a game of some sort are great ways to connect and
enabled us to most effectively collaborate and stay remove distance as a barrier between team members. This
connected with each other during this time. can fuel collaboration and real-time engagement, increase
morale, as well as help prevent feelings of isolation.
About the author For example, our team has scheduled a daily meeting that
gives us the opportunity to touch base every morning, keep
Viviene Ly up to date on our various projects/initiatives, align on
Digital Development Manager priorities, as well as kick-off the day over coffee as we would
AXA Next Lab US have done together in the office.
Life is made of ever so many partings welded together.
Life Insurance Today January - June 2020 13