Page 11 - Life Insurance Today January-June 2020
P. 11

the positive ones getting highlighted and the negative ones
         getting downplayed. All this is very fine to get some idea
         about the performance of the organisation.

         Those few in the relevant field who are familiar (being
         reasonably literate in the relevant activities) do make some
         sense (if not complete) out of such reportage. But for others
         and the common man who may not be so literate, these
         reporting mean nothing. They do not make much sense. It
         is said and literally true that you can take the horse to the
         water but you cannot make it drink. Though making sense
         out of reading, requires a real thirst in the reader, yet
         otherwise also it is possible to make reporting more
         meaningful to every one.

         Reporting the performance by comparing it with some
         benchmarks is one such way. The best example in this regard
         is the reportage on rainfall. In addition to the annual
         variation, it is always compared with the longterm average.
         In view of this, readers understanding becomes more
         meaningful than its mere comparison either with previous
         period or with that of peer/s. The period comparisons have
         a limited purpose of flagging the performance of some
         specific period. Peer comparison is effective only in an  planning does involve setting targets and these targets do
         intensely / fiercely competitive market.             act as benchmarks. But they are mostly for internal
                                                              consumption. Unrealistic approach towards target setting
         On the other hand comparison with the benchmark /    and wide off the mark performance, frequently observed,
         standard has a much broader and general purpose. Equally  is a reflection of scant regard shown for such standards.
         enlightening / illuminating example in this regard is the  Benchmarks / standards are always dynamic varying from
         practice of checking the BP or sugar level against the more  time to time and place to place. To a great extent they
         scientifically set benchmarks. Therefore developing  emerge from the past performance achieved somewhere.
         standards and bench marks and presenting the
         performance against those standards or benchmarks can  Technological developments do set the ground for new
         add substantially to the reporting quality.          standards. Short term, medium term and long term
                                                              standards may be different. But there has to be consistency
         Currently this exercise of setting benchmarks exists in a  amongst them. Whether the growth has to be in double
         limited way in organisational target setting exercise. In  digits or single digit, depends on the stage of development
         addition, some kind of bench marks set by the regulator,  it has already achieved. Expecting double digit growth in a
         are found with regard to 1. Expense ratio, and 2. Solvency.  well developed market is not rational. Similarly low growth
         There are also some benchmarks in the citizens charter  rate is a crime in an underdeveloped market. Initially
         commitments / regulatory prescriptions (Service standards  expecting high growth in a startup is not rational, but an
         for policy issuance, claim settlement, grievance redressals).  adolescent startup can grow in leaps and bounds.
         It is necessary to raise this exercise to the next level.
         Objectivity of all these benchmarks have to be regularly  Mature adult organisation may not have the kind of growth
         reviewed and reaffirmed. In the past it has been observed  displayed by a start-up. But it has the muscles to withstand
         that only crises drive the changes or improvements.  all vicissitudes to deliver sustained growth. Standards of
                                                              margins depend on the client base. High margins are not
         Mostly reactive and rarely proactive. Organistaional  ethical in an organisation serving a poor clientele.

                                         Rise above the storm and you will find the sunshine.

         Life Insurance Today                      January - June 2020                                        11
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