Page 6 - Life Insurance Today January-June 2020
P. 6

increased intelligence and vigilance, particularly in the light  times and environment. So do our perceptions about the
         of several corporate failures witnessed in the past. It is a  risks. There is no magic wand to ward them off. It appears,
         repeatedly proven fact, that no amount of oversight can  errors in our developmental efforts, driven by highly
         guarantee what a culture and conduct of self discipline and  materialistic interests, have lead to geometric aggravation
         selfregulation can offer. The repeated failures across the  of risks. We are all familiar with the climate change induced
         sectors, as well as across the countries has created a greater  heightened frequency of storms, floods, tsunamis, increased
         thirst, for sound and reliable as well as intelligible  frequency and magnitude of seismic activity, currently
         knowledge, amongst members of the society.           raging covid-19 pandemic and menacingly spreading
                                                              terrorist activities, all of them testimonise the said risk
         Understanding the environment around us, reacting /  aggravations. Human curiosity in exploring the universe too
         responding to its dynamics and proactively initiating changes  is fraught with huge unknown risks. Risks and rewards go
         to adapt it to suit our self interest, are unique attributes of  together is a simple fact with no exaggeration. If we wish
         all living beings. For understanding a subject / phenomena,  to progress we have to take calculated risks and manage
         there is no method better than the method of comparative  them. Therefore insurance, a risk management tool, in all
         study. Amongst all methods of acquiring and enhancing  its forms, plays a crucial role and occupies an important
         knowledge and understanding, comparative method is the  position in the economic activities of today's society
         king. Contribution of comparative method to the human  irrespective of the nature of its socio-political structure.
         wisdom has been huge and immeasurable. For study of
         certain dimensions this may be the only method. And in  Hence understanding correctly, the different dimensions of
         others it is used to confirm or contradict the knowledge and  the role of insurance in socio-economic life, is a matter of
         understanding gained by other methods.               interest to all planners, administrators, academicians and
                                                              leaders across the society. As said above, the common man
         This method is inherent in all spectrums of human life –  too is very much interested in such understanding, as today,
         social, political, economic, cultural and scientific. All of us  he is not immune to adverse effects of such socio economic
         are aware of it and are naturally conditioned to employ this  set-ups. It seems, there is a need for upgrading the current
         method in our day to day life, consciously or unconsciously.  practices which facilitate the knowledge and understanding
         The purpose of this write up is to examine different facets  of working and efficiency of insurance sector. I think current
         and dimensions of this comparative method in gaining  practices in this regard, evolved over the years, can be
         knowledge and understanding of matters relating to   improved to a great extent in the following four areas.
         insurance, particularly non-life insurance. While doing so,  1. Measurements in Nominal vs Real Terms,
         the write up looks at a few past and present practices and  2. Inevitable Comparison of Apples with Oranges,
         their efficacy. In addition, it attempts to flag the deficiencies
                                                              3. Use and Misuse of Aggregation, and
         in such practices for exploring future modifications /
         improvements.                                        4. Acceptable Standards / Benchmarks of Right Kind.

         In our industrialised, technology driven society, though life
         has become more comfortable, it has not become riskfree
         and is not totally devoid of life crippling risks. On the other
         hand over the years, it has grown riskier than what it was,
         a few hundred years ago. Though earlier day's life was
         characterised / marked by subsistence economy, yet it was
         sustainable and otherwise was no less rich and less profound
         than the one of today’s advanced and developed societies.
         Risks were and are inherent and integral to living and they
         will continue to be so.

         They might see / reflect drastic mutations with changing

                                 Life is so short. I would rather sing one song than interpret the thousand.

         6                                         January - June 2020                        Life Insurance Today
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