Page 4 - Life Insurance Today January-June 2020
P. 4

                          Contents    Focus

                                                                          5 5 5 5 5  Societies keep on changing. The
               Editorial                                          3

               Comparative Method and the Non Life                              nature and the pace of changes
                                                                                may vary from time to time and
               Insurance Sector A few random thoughts                     from society to society. Twenty first
               - S H Gejji                                        5       century changes are dominated by
                                                                          huge developments in the areas of fi-
               Best practices to Optimize your                            nancial inclusion and information &
               work-from-home experience                                  communication technology. This has
               - Viviene Ly                                      13
                                                                          led to wider participation of members
                                                                          of society in the corporate life. Such
               Titbits of Indian life insurance sector
               in this current era                                        participation has heightened the need
               - Anabil Bhattacharya                             15       for increased intelligence and vigi-
                                                                          lance, particularly in the light of sev-
                                                                          eral corporate failures witnessed in
               Digitisation of product transactions
               boosts insurance market growth                             the past.
               - Jagendra Kumar                                  21      13 13 13 13 13  As a result of the viral COVID-

               Grievance Redressal in Life Insurance companies 30               19 outbreak, many of us have
                                                                                joined the millions of people
                                                                          around the world working from
               Names and Addresses of Ombudsman Centres          32
                                                                          home, which has been declared a
                                                                          global pandemic as of this week.
               List of Life Insurance Companies in India         36       Many of the world's leading US-based
                                                                          tech companies such as Apple,
               IRDAI Circular                                    40       Google, Facebook, Intel, Salesforce,
                                                                          Microsoft, LinkedIn, and Twitter have
               LEGAL (Ombudsman)                                 44       implemented work from home
                                                                          policies in an effort to keep their
               Statistics                                        55       employees safe and slow the spread
                                                                          of the virus.
               Important Insurance Contacts                      79
                                                                          15 15 15 15 15  Indian economy is in transi-

               Statistics - Life Insurance                       80              tion over the last one decade
                                                                                 or more, owing to the initia-
               Five financial mistakes you should avoid          82
                                                                          tion of major economic reforms affect-
                                                                          ing almost all sectors. The exemplar
               LIC News                                          84
                                                                          shift from a mixed economic organi-
                                                                          zation to a market-oriented organiza-
               Private Life News                                 86       tion has exposed all sectors to an in-
                                                                          tense competition; the Life Insurance
               IRDAI News                                        88       business is the most noteworthy one
                                                                          among them. Life Insurance is an at-
               Glossary & Poll                                   90       tractive option for investment.

         4                                         January - June 2020                        Life Insurance Today
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