Page 3 - Life Insurance Today January-June 2020
P. 3
Vol. XVI No. 01 January - June 2020
ISSN - 0973-4813 Editorial
Ram Gopal Agarwala
B.Com., L.L.B., F.C.A.
Editor The Covid 19 pandemic has affected almost all
CA Rakesh Agarwal business and insurance sector is not an exception.
M.Com. (BIM), F.C.A., DISA, L.L.B.,
F.I.I.I., P.G.J.M.C., M.B.A., Ph.D Though the health insurance got a big boost during the
Associate Editor period with sale of specific policy related to Covid and
Shyam Agarwal general health policies also.
CCA, FIII, PGJMC, PGDMM The life insurance new business as well as renewal
Resident Editor business has taken a hit. Due to grim situation in
Dr. Abhijeet K. Chattoraj, Noida business, employment and reduction in earning people
Dr. B. K. Jha, Sultanpur
K. L. Madhok, New Delhi are deferring the decision to buy new life insurance
Shaik Gulam Afzal Biya Bani, Saudi Arabia and also to pay renewal premium. This situation is
R. Venugopal, Bangalore expected to continue till the business and the economy
Correspondence Address gets a breather from Covid. Everyone is waiting for the
25/1, Baranashi Ghosh Street, Kolkata - 700 007, India vaccine which may significantly reduce its impact.
Phone : 033-2269 6035 / 4007 8428
E-mail :
Website : Covid has allowed to issue life insurance policies
Portal: digitally, Online KYC, Online servicing through
Registered Office whatsapp and many other services through digital
31/1, Sadananda Road, P.S. Kalighat, channel. If the online culture develops then it is easy
Kolkata - 700 026, India to take it forward and leverage its benefit.
Customer Help Line
For non receipts/any other query please contact
E-mail : There can be a huge savings in terms of cost and some
Phone : 033-4007 8378 / 2218 4184 redundant processes may be removed and replaced
Mechanical Details with technologically advanced one. The savings in cost
Oversall size : 27.5 x 21.5 cms. can help to increase profitability of the insurance
Print area : 24.5
companies, more productive use of resources, reaching
Single Copy `` `` ` 300/- (Ordinary Post) out to more people.
Single Copy `` `` ` 400/- (Regd. Post)
All the payment must be made by DD favouring LIFE The government has started the process to launch the
INSURANCE TODAY payable at Kolkata, India.
Please do not make any cash payment for journal/books to initial public offer (IPO) of Life Insurance Corporation
any person representing LIFE INSURANCE TODAY and (LIC). The IPO is expected to be the biggest in the
we shall not be responsible for the cash payments. Indian capital markets given the size and scale of LIC,
The contents of this journal are copyright of LIFE
INSURANCE TODAY whose permission is necessary for the country’s oldest and largest life insurer. There are
reproduction in whole or in part. The views expressed by concerns in many corners that LIC is being privatized.
contributors or reviewers in this journal do not necessarily
reflect the opinion of LIFE INSURANCE TODAY and the This is quite absurd as if we see the case of State Bank
journal can not be held responsible for them. All disputes of India which is listed on bourses we will not term it
subject to Kolkata jurisdiction only.
Published by Sushil Kumar Agarwala & Printed by Satyajug as being privatized. So sooner or later government will
Employees Co-operative Industrial Society Ltd. 13,Prafulla try to monetize the value of LIC.
Sarkar Street, Kolkata - 700 072
Life Insurance Today January - June 2020 3