Page 8 - Life Insurance Today January-June 2020
P. 8

Take another instance where a trainee participant from a  Measurements in Nominal vs Real
         neighbouring country, when asked about the Motor TP
         claims ratio of his country, replied, that the ratio is around  Terms.
         30 to 35%. Being used to ratios ranging from 150% to 250%  The day, human beings gifted themselves with money as a
         observed in my country, I was confused and left struggling  means of exchange and bid good-bye to the barter system,
         to comprehend the comparative status, like a computer  unknowingly they introduced themselves to a novel concept
         keeps hanging.                                       of nominal value. Over the years this concept percolated
                                                              and spread across all dimensions of human life, so that even
         These examples, which constitute only the tip of the iceberg,  so called invaluable life today gets assigned with some
         suggest that the best and safe thing for an average person  nominal value. Thus, it has become a norm to measure and
         is to avoid any attempt to understand insurers and   assess all economic activities / events in nominal values. It
         insurance. Something similar to throwing the baby out with  is so ubiquitous and common, so much so that, when some
         the bath water. No surprise, society's attitude towards  one refers to the most popular indicator of economic
         insurance sector is ice cold. Precisely it is this dilemma,  activity, the GDP of a country, the reference is for nominal
         which provoked me to think of improvements in        GDP unless otherwise mentioned / qualified. Measuring and
         comparative method of study, so that a beginning can be  assessing them in real terms is an exception and occupies a
         made towards presenting the facts in the understandable  secondary place. This is true of many economic activities,
         realm of average reader.                             including insurance.

         Comparison normally takes three forms. First, comparing  Ease and convenience are the hall marks of this practice.
         the same subject / phenomenon over a period of time,  Developing and maintaining measurements in real terms is
         second, comparing same subject or phenomenon amongst  difficult and inconvenient. It is this tendency of avoiding the
         the peers, and the third, comparing the subject or   inconvenience and the difficulty, is behind the failure to
         phenomena with other subjects / phenomena. Context   realise the organisational slide into problems to which past
         could be the additional dimension of comparison. The logic  generations have been the witnesses. Yes, nominal
         and rationale behind these comparisons, is not only to  comparisons are also meaningful and useful. But at times
         review and assess past performance, plan future progress  they may not convey true and complete story. Also, the
         and prepare for improving efficiency but also to gain  smart and clever ones, in the absence of measurements in
         knowledge and understanding of all dimension of the  real terms, can use the same for misleading the reader.
         economic activity and its role in our life. Now let us examine  Hence comparisons in real value terms along with the
         possible scope for up-gradations, in each one of the four  nominal value comparisons, are necessary to know the true,
         areas mentioned above.                               correct and complete facts as well as status. Slowly we have
                                                              to evolve and adopt such parameters.

                                                              The basic insurance value (Gross Domestic Premium) is a
                                                              product of number of policies issued / number of persons
                                                              insured / sum insured (persons/property/income) /
                                                              indemnity offered and the rates of premium charged.
                                                              Except for some internal analysis in performance reviews,
                                                              the interplay of these factors in the final value rarely gets
                                                              presented to the general readers. Falling rates of premiums
                                                              may fail to disclose the service expansion in terms of
                                                              increased coverage and vice-versa. Similarly rising rates of
                                                              premium may conceal the contraction or lack of growth in
                                                              the service and vice-versa.

                                                              Therefore sum-insured, number of persons covered,
                                                              number of policies issued and derivative parameters based

                                          Those who believe in telekinetics, raise my hand.

         8                                         January - June 2020                        Life Insurance Today
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