Page 17 - Life Insurance Today January-June 2020
P. 17

levels is four times that of India where they have four times
         the agents working on the field selling retail products," said
         Padalkar suggesting that there is huge potential for this life
         sector to scale further over the years to come given India's
         favorable population demographic.

         To this the LIC managing director Anand also said that the
         if Indian insurers who have around 20 lakh agents working
         for them, can add 50 lakh more such agents, it will address
         the problem of under penetration while also creating
         ample employment opportunity aiding the country's
         economy in a more holistic manner. He also added that the
         insurance industry in India needs to have further
         competition to be able to expand to a greater customer
         base. "China has almost the same population as India.
         However, they have 100 companies competing in the life  the fact of what products will sell and what are the needs
         insurance market as against 24 that are operating here.  of the customers. The product landscape changed over the
         Furthermore, relaxation in regulatory norms can also help  last 18 years from pre-dominantly Unit linked business till
         Indian insurance sector cover a wider consumer base,"  the point regulator intervened a few years back to
         Anand said.                                          traditional business. This was a big shift from a customer's
                                                              point of view.
         Provision for easing customer authentication models via
         unified KYC, allowing life insurance companies sell health  In the pre-liberalization era, products predominantly sold
         insurance products, decreasing Tax Deductible at Source  in this country were the traditional participating product
         (TDS) for non resident Indians on pension plans, easing  by LIC of India. The Indian customers had no inkling about
         minimum policy tenures to get more millennial to buy  the unit-linked product and how it works. During those
         protection were some potential regulatory relaxation  days, insurance was even less popular than now, so the
         discussed by the panel as an option for the regulators to  prime reason for purchasing of life insurance were tax
         prod into..                                          saving and long-term savings. People never compared the
                                                              returns on the products partly because there were lesser
         Current Situation of Indian Life Insurance           saving options as businesses mostly relied upon the
                                                              relationship between the buyer and agent. Most common
         Market:                                              short-term saving tools were fixed deposits in the bank.
         The key points bothering current life insurance companies
         in the Indian life insurance market are:             Post liberalization era brought a sudden surge in the unit-
         Y   Selection of right products for the right customer;  linked business. It was sold across all sections of the society
                                                              with providing investment comparison from other
         Y   Challenging distribution;
                                                              investment products. This transition was not smooth and
         Y   The potential and pitfalls of rural insurance in India;  there was a paradigm shift in the product shelf for
         Y   Challenges in meeting the top line;              customers. The customers were presented with unit-linked
                                                              products which were serving very different needs as against
         Y   High lapsation rate;
                                                              the traditional participating products sold before the year
         Y   Hitting the bottom line;                         2000 by LIC in the monopoly market. The pitch of the
         Y   Longer Payback period.                           product changed from insurance as long-term savings
                                                              products to comparing investment return on the different
         All the above issues are interrelated and stemming from  unit-linked products. During the same time, customer's

                                           The first step is you have to say that you can.

         Life Insurance Today                      January - June 2020                                        17
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