Page 19 - Life Insurance Today January-June 2020
P. 19

The beauty of insurance is that it provides discipline of  The way to service customer is to segment the market and
         paying a regular premium for both savings and protection  offer the correct product at the correct price to that
         against life for the long term in one package, which should  specific market segment. There is a huge untapped
         be the attractive point as against managing the different  potential in India, which needs to be targeted. The
         portfolio for mutual fund and term product where the  distribution channel is a medium to reach the masses in
         majority of the population has a problem in handling.  urban, semi-urban and rural areas. So, the insurance
         Insurance is a simple one-stop shop with the discipline of  company should focus on pricing, distribution, risk
         regular premium payment providing long-term protection.  management and investment decision-making.

         The meeting of right product and true customer's need  Measures to counteract the challenges of Life
         would make the life insurance a pull product as against  Insurance Business in India are:
         today's being a push product. A pull product will have  1. Insurance companies in India will have to develop
         higher persistency which will help insurance companies in
                                                                  suitable channels to tap this huge market as the core
         meeting its margin better. It will also help them recover
                                                                  of insurance business hinges on a proficient distribution.
         expenses allocated to the product which will have a positive
         impact on the managing payback period on the anticipated  2. Direct marketing is one of the most successful channels
         line.                                                    of distribution in the developed economics. It is a great
                                                                  way to reach a large population. So the product should

         Challenges for Insurance Business in                     be sold through telemarketing or direct mail as found
                                                                  appropriate in the corona affected lockdown period.
                                                              3. In the insurance business, cost control and ability to
         The transition of the insurance industry from a public   serve a large number of customers are critical issues.
         monopoly to a competitive environment now presents very  So, modern technology is to be adopted to handle both
         interesting challenges, both to the newly introduced     the services effectively.
         players and to the customers. The benchmark of success
         of organization is not only determined by the rate of return  4. Today, customers are well-equipped with information,
                                                                  so insurance companies should reposition their various
         but also by the quality of corporate governance, so good
                                                                  products by changing customer attitudes.
         corporate governance practices should be followed by the
         life insurers. Though LIC has done commendable work,  5. To bring new innovative products by the Insurers - like
         there is still a great deal of scope for bringing in innovative  ICICI Prudential has brought recently IPS Money Back
         products and distribution channels to tap insurance market.  ALPHA (combining the concepts of term, money back,
                                                                  accident benefit and critical illness covers within in a
         Currently the product-market relationship is dominated by  single product) and LAKSHYA Lifelong Income (which
         personalized selling rendered by tied agents. So the agents  may be termed as Product covering for Three
         should be able to understand the complexity to assess the  Generation) - as such both being very interesting
         requirement of the populace and then only advice on the  proposition for alluring the customers.
         appropriate policy, which suits, to the needs of the people.
                                                              6. The actuary should be required to attend seminars
         Also, companies will have to transform customer
                                                                  called continuous professional development courses for
         relationship management to the value-based client
                                                                  the efficient financial control of the organization.
         relationship. The CRM challenge have the pyramid of three
         sub-challenges i.e. product development, pricing     With the tremendous impact on mortality rate after the
         mechanism, and technology management. Insurance      Corona virus (Covit-19) attack in India where all Indian
         business is based on averages and spreading of risks. So, a  insurers have to increase the premium rate for the security
         flexible pricing structure for sustaining customer confidence  aspects of life risk coverage. Practically with the huge death
         and interest will be a challenging task before Indian  cases occurred due to this man-made catastrophe, all
         insurers.                                            Indian life insurers immediately & immensely increased the

                                             It always seems impossible until it's done.

         Life Insurance Today                      January - June 2020                                        19
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