Page 23 - Life Insurance Today January-June 2020
P. 23

paced adoption of digitisation with a huge push from the  financial advisors, insurance agents or brokers. However,
         Government accelerating it further. This situation, coupled  a recent EY survey found that customers in South Africa
         with the pricing arbitrage, ease of access and transactions,  are more likely to use digital channels to check and
         and convenience is creating a formidable positioning for  compare policies than their UK counterparts. The challenge
         digitisation in consumers' minds. There are now more than  remains of converting the browsing into a successful sale
         125 million active users of e-Commerce. It is estimated that  still prevails in these markets. While agents and brokers still
         around 30% of insurance-related purchase decisions are  dominate the industry in most emerging markets, our
         now influenced by the digital channel.               strategies aim to help them strengthen relationships with
                                                              customers in the ever-changing digital environment.
         A similar level of uniformity between products' benefits,
         language, terminology, integrity of process and claim  Roadmap for digitization:
         handling is the holy grail of the insurance industry - waiting
                                                              A Boston Consulting Group (BCG) report says in every area
         to exhale and claim its true great place in the global
         insurance community in terms of its penetration exceeding  of insurance, traditional insurers can use the internet,
                                                              mobile technology and social media to fend off new rivals
         6% of India's GDP in the near future. Although brokers
                                                              and get ahead of long-time competitors. The report says
         continue to dominate the insurance market across India,
         the industry is quick to embrace digital solutions. As  companies should build their digital platform on three parts
                                                              of the value chain: Internal operations, go-to-market
         customer needs evolve, insurers struggle to strike the right
                                                              strategies and risk. For internal operations, the benefits of
         balance between their legacy operations which contribute
         to large revenue and the opportunities that the new digital  digitisation starts from straight-through processing, which
                                                              lowers the insurers' transaction costs? For example, in
         landscape will generate.
                                                              health insurance, digitisation of operations involves
         Most customers still purchase insurance policies through  developing interfaces for providers, such as physicians and

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