Page 30 - The Insurance Times January 2025
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high in case of private life insurance companies and the  4. Insurance Agents
         growth is 16.34% than the public life insurance companies  An insurance agent is an individual appointed by an insurer
         i.e. the Life Insurance Corporation of India (10.90%) during  for the purpose of soliciting or procuring insurance business
         2022-23 against the previous financial year 2021-22. The  including business relating to continuance, renewal or re-
         total premium underwritten by the Life Insurance Corpora-
                                                              vival of policies of insurance. No individual shall act as an
         tion of India was Rs 4, 74,668.14 crore during 2022-23.
                                                              insurance agent for more than one life insurer, or general
                                                              insurer and one health insurer and one each of the special-
         3. New individual life insurance policies            ized insurers.

                                                              From the above table it is observed that the number of in-
         The growth of life insurance industry depends on number of
                                                              dividual agents as at March 31, 2023 was 26.28 lakhs as
         policies particularly number of new individual policies issued
                                                              against 24.43 lakhs as at March 31, 2022. The life insurance
         by life insurance companies.
                                                              industry showed a growth of 7.60% in number of agents over
                                                              the previous year. As at March 31.2023, the number of
            Table: 2 New Individual Policies Issued (in
                                                              agents with the public sector stood at 13.47 lakhs and the
                                lakh)                         corresponding number for private sector insurers was 12.80
                                                              lakhs. This is not a favorable position for the public sector
           Year       New Policies   New Policies
                       issued by    issued by Pvt.  Total     life insurance company.
                          LICI         Life Ins. Co.
                                                              5. Commission expenses ratio
           2020-2021     209.75         71.52       281.27
                                                               At present twenty three life insurance companies are op-
           2021-2022     217.19         73.94       291.13    erating in India, of which twenty two life companies are
                        (3.54%)        (3.38%)     (3.51%)
                                                              private and one is public sector. Out of the twenty four life
           2022-2023     204.24         80.42       284.7     insurance companies seventeen companies reported prof-
                        (-5.96%)       (8.77%)     (-2.77%)   its during 2022-2023.
         Source: IRDA Annual Reports 2020-2021, 2021-2022 and      Table: 4 Commission Expenses Ratio
         Note: Figures in bracket indicates the growth in per cent  Items    2020-2021   2021-2022   2022-2023
         over the previous financial year.                     Profit after   Rs 8,660    Rs 7,751   Rs.42,788
                                                               tax             crore       crore       crore
         During 2022-23, the life insurance industry registered a
         declining trend in growth of (-) 2.77% in the number of poli-  Commission  5.25%  5.18%       5.41%
         cies issued against the previous financial year 2021-22. Al-  expenses ratio
         though the private  life insurance companies registered a  Source: IRDA Annual Reports 2020-21, 2021-22 and 2022-
         growth of 8.77% in the number of policies issued against the  23
         previous financial year but  the public  life insurance com-
         pany registered a  declining trend in growth of (-)5.96% in  It is observed that profit after tax was Rs 7,751 crore dur-
         the number of policies issued against the previous financial  ing 2021-22 whereas profit after tax was Rs42,788 crore
         year.                                                during 2022-23. Profits of life insurance industry grew by

                               Table: 3 Insurance Agents Associated with Life Insurers

           Insurer           No. of agents as       No. of agents       No. of agents as     No. of agents as
                              on 31.03.2022        appointed during        terminated         on 31.03.2023
                                                       2022-23           during 2022-23
           Private Sector       11,16,177             4,93,473              3,28,767            12,80.883
           Public Sector        13,26,432             3,92,337              3,71,444            13,47,325
           Total                24,42,609             8,85,810              7,00,211            26,28,208
         Source: IRDA Annual Reports 2020-21, 2021-22 and 2022-23

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