Page 139 - ic92 actuarial
P. 139

Foundations of Casualty Actuarial Science

is valid protector of future costs. The credibility selected
should consider the validity of the component to which
the credibility compliment is being applied. Credibility
has three conditions that are to be met :
(a) Credibility must not be less than zero or greater than


(b) Credibility should increase as the size of risk

increases, all else being equal.

dZ  >  0

(c) The percentage change for any loss of a given size
    should decrease as the size of risk increases.

    ( )d Z < 0

         dE E

(iv) Other considerations in rating - Experience rating
         plans may be designed so that there is a minimum or
         maximum premium change. These are often based on
         the prior year's premium adjusted for changes in

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