Page 141 - ic92 actuarial
P. 141

Foundations of Casualty Actuarial Science

factor. The credibility factor applied to the actual primary
losses is higher than that applied to the actual excess

The formula to determine the experience modification
is as follows :

    M = AP + B + (Ae X w) + [ (1 - w) X Ee ]
           Ep + B + (Ee X w) + [ (1 - w) X Ee]

    M = Experience Modification Factor
    Ap = Actual Primary Loss
    Ep = Expected Primary Loss
    Ae = Actual Excess Loss
    E = Expected Excess Loss


    B = Ballast Value
    w = Excess Losses Weighting Factor

Note , the denominator of this formula equals E + B

    E = Excess Losses

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