Page 143 - ic92 actuarial
P. 143

Foundations of Casualty Actuarial Science

Q9. Discuss the concept of composite rating.

Ans. Composite rating is an administrative tool to facilitate
         the rating of large, complex risks upon audit.

         Instead of rating different coverage using different
         exposure bases, all applicable coverage are rated using
         one, composite, exposure bases.

         The references to insurance company's loss and A:Ae
         development factors, factors from claims-made to
         occurrence and vice vers, loss and ALAE trend factors
         to current year, exposure trend factors, and expected
         loss and ALAE ratios reflect that different insurance
         companies may use different factors and ratios.

         ISO supplies advisory loss and ALAE development
         factors, factors from claims-made to occurrence and
         vice versa, loss and ALAE trend factors to current
         year, and exposure trend factors but does not supply
         advisory expected loss and ALAE ratios.

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