Page 7 - Insurance Times October 2023
P. 7


           Agri  Insurer  Kshema            Two-thirds of global car           third year in a row, as floods, hail and
                                                                               wildfires linked to climate change be-
           looks to double its pre-         sales likely to be electric        come more frequent.

           mium by this fiscal end          by 2030                            Munich Re has put the total global in-
           Kshema General Insurance is looking  Spurred by falling battery prices, elec-  sured  costs of  natural-catastrophe
           to double its premium income from  tric vehicles could hit price parity with  events in the first half of 2023 at $43
           insuring farm activities. The company  fossil-fuel models in Europe in 2024 and  billion, while Swiss Re has pegged it at
           aims to double the premium collec-  the U.S. market in 2026, and account  $50 billion, according to a report by
           tions to 1,000 crore by end of this  for two thirds of global car sales by  Bloomberg Intelligence.
           financial year, insuring more than a  2030, according to new research.  More than two-thirds of the insured
           hundred different crops, from 400  A report by the Rocky Mountain Insti-  losses were as a result of severe thun-
           crore premium income earned so far.  tute (RMI) predicts battery costs should  derstorms in the US.
           Kshema General Insurance became  halve this decade, from $151 per kilo-
           the first insurer this year to receive  watt hour (kWh) in 2022 to between  PSU  general  insurers'
           a license from IRDAI after a gap of  $60 and $90 per kWh, making EVs "for  share of premium below a
           five years.                      the first time as cheap to buy as petrol
                                            cars in every market by 2030 as well  third of industry
           Kshema has bid for kharif crops un-
           der the Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima  as cheaper to run."              For the first time, PSU General Insur-
           Yojana along with other insurers in-  Batteries are expensive and account  ers account for less than a third of the
           cluding ICICI Lombard, Cholaman-  for around 40% of an EV's price tag, a  industry premium at 32.5 per cent, as
           dalam and Tata AIG General Insur-  cost  that  has  so  far  made  them  larger private non-life insurers have
           ance. Of the over 170 crops, the  unaffordable for many consumers.  consolidated their position in the first
           company has shortlisted about 100,  But those prices are steadily coming  five months of the current fiscal, ac-
           including  fruits,  vegetables,  and  down as carmakers invest in new bat-  cording to the General Insurance Coun-
           spices that are not covered under  tery chemistries, materials and soft-  cil data.
           the government insurance scheme  ware to make more efficient EVs, RMI  Public sector insurers saw their pre-
           to also focus on.                senior principal Kingsmill Bond told.  mium income fall by 1 per cent to Rs.
           The company began operation on                                      34,203  crore  during  the  first  five
           May  5,  starting  with  125  crore,  Claims from natural disas-    months of the current fiscal.
           backed  by  Ramachandra  Prasad                                     As a result, their market share plunged
           Nalam, Natraj Nukala and Krishna  ters set to top $100 billion      to less than a third at 32.5 per cent
           Burugopall Vyasa. The founders aim  for a third year                from 33.4 per cent, while premium
           to break even in five years and will  Claims for weather-related incidents  income slipped from Rs. 37,100 crore
           put in another 100 crore capital.  are set to exceed $100 billion for the  to Rs. 34,203 crore.

                                                                        The Insurance Times  October 2023   7
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