Page 10 - Insurance Times October 2023
P. 10

Need specialised insurance products for disabled in-                "The reduction in the capital require-
                                                                               ment from the overseas reinsurers will
           dividuals, says IRDAI                                               definitely  increase  the  number  of

           There is a need to design special insurance products for disabled citizens to  reinsurers present in India, which was
           bring India at par with developed countries and global insurance module stan-  a long-standing demand from the indus-
           dards, as well as creating mechanisms for addressing concerns and grievances.  try," said Salil Das, Director of Reinsur-
                                                                               ance at Alliance Insurance Brokers.
           "Challenges are diverse and so are the solutions. While India is in its early
           stages of insurance development compared to developed countries, we're  "Because they are shielded from the
           committed to ensuring improvements and enhancing the insurance landscape,"  central office, they must invest more
           said Pankaj Tewari, General Manager, IRDAI.                         funds as a branch office. As a result, they
                                                                               must raise finance, which is now re-
           The comments were part of discussions between insurance companies and
           stakeholders to make health insurance products for disabled people. The meet  stricted. Reinsurers will be more preva-
                                                                               lent; if there are more reinsurers in the
           was organised by National Centre for Promotion of Employment for Disabled
           People (NCPEDP), National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) in collaboration  market, the market will grow and rein-
           with disability rights groups and IRDAI.                            surance capacity will increase, allow-
                                                                               ing insurance companies to rise and dis-
           Discussions entailed challenges in access to insurance, affordability, compre-  pose of surplus more easily, whereas
           hensive access to assistive products. In addition, participants highlighted se-  they currently reach out to the inter-
           vere gaps in health insurance coverage for disabled people, which include  national market," Das explained.
           denial of coverage, inconsistent testing requirements, and limited coverage
           for specific needs.                                                 During its 123rd Authority meeting, the
                                                                               insurance regulator sanctioned a series
           Following the Delhi High Court's directive in December 2022, IRDAI had in
                                                                               of amendments to the Reinsurance
           February 2023 mandated insurers to offer annual health coverage to PWDs
                                                                               Regulations to harmonise and stream-
           (persons with disabilities), HIV-positive, and mentally disabled individuals. The  line the existing regulations applicable
           regulator had asked all insurance companies to devise inclusive insurance prod-
                                                                               to Indian insurers, Indian reinsurers,
           ucts aligned with their specific requirements.                      Foreign Reinsurance Branches (FRBs),
                                                                               and International Financial Services
          may  invite  external  members  to  revivals and policy loans, if any is per-  Centre Insurance Offices (IIOs).
          examine specific issues or suggestions.  mitted.  Policyholders can choose how
                                            often they receive certain benefits from  IRDAI plans committee to
          IRDAI enables additional          their policies with income benefit pay-
                                            ments.                             create Bima Sugam plat-
          options for withdrawn life
                                            "With this initiative, IRDAI reaffirms its form, to appoint project
          cover products
                                            dedication to policyholders by offering  consultant
          IRDAI introduced new measures allow-  greater flexibility and enhancing poli-
          ing more choices and benefits for poli-  cyholders' insurance experiences,'' the  IRDAI has formed a steering commit-
          cyholders with withdrawn life insurance  insurance regulator said.   tee, which will act as the apex decision
          products.                                                            making body for creation of its ambi-
                                                                               tious Bima Sugam platform, and it indi-
          Effective immediately, the new rules  IRDAI  lowers  minimum         cated that it will soon appoint a project
          apply to products which are no longer                                consultant for which Request for Pro-
          available for sale but still have existing  capital need  for  foreign  posal (RFP) has already been issued.
          policies serviced by insurers.    reinsurers to Rs. 50 crore
                                                                               While Bima Sugam will enable individu-
          As per the new provisions, insurance  IRDAI has chosen to lower the mini-  als to buy a life, health, motor or prop-
          companies can offer new riders to the  mum capital requirement for Foreign  erty insurance policies online, its imple-
          existing policyholders of withdrawn  Reinsurance Business (FRBs) to Rs 50  mentation has now been postponed
          products.  As part of flexible payments,  crore from Rs 100 crore. This amend-  thrice. The platform will enable easy
          the option to change the premium pay-  ment is among other revisions in the  access under a single roof for insurance
          ing mode can also be provided.    reinsurance segment aimed at position-  companies, agents, brokers, banks and
          A reduction in interest rates for policy  ing India as a global insurance hub.  even aggregators.

            10    October 2023   The Insurance Times
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