Page 13 - Insurance Times October 2023
P. 13

Mahesh Kumar Sharma, MD & CEO of   spree,  and  is  implementing  a   believe  that  India  has  significant
         SBI Life Insurance, emphasised the  comprehensive plan focussed around  potential," he said.
         urgent need for a paradigm shift in  channels, growth,  new distribution  On  the  distribution  front,  Tripathy
         how  financial  preparedness  is   buildup and product launches, its MD
                                                                               noted that Max Life had acquired five
         perceived.  "It's  a  matter  of  great  & CEO, Prashant Tripathy said.
                                                                               banks, 10 brokers and two corporate
         concern that 80 per cent of consumers  Having announced a capital raise of Rs.  agents. "There is a lot of energy that
         acknowledge insurance's pivotal role in
                                            1,612 crore from existing shareholder  will go towards ensuring that all these
         financial security, yet a staggering 94
                                            Axis  Bank recently,  the  life insurer  relationships start to take shape, we
         per  cent  remain  inadequately    plans to open 100 new offices in Tier2  are going to work closely with our bank
         covered," he said.
                                            cities, hire 50,000 agent advisors this  partners, Axis Bank as well as Yes Bank,
         "The study is more than just a report;  fiscal, besides ramping up its banca  to find opportunities for growth," he
         it's a call to action". Sharma said every  play, Tripathy told.       said.
         individual deserves the opportunity to  "Our aspiration is double digit growth
         build  resilience  against  life's                                    Jio Finance to foray into
                                            in new business premium this fiscal.
         uncertainties. Together, we can bridge
                                            We will grow better than the industry,"  insurance biz
         the  gap  between  perception  and  Tripathy said.
         reality, and truly empower individuals                                After announcing an entry into the
                                            Max  Life's  New  Business  Premium  asset  management  business  with
         to achieve 'financial immunity'."
                                            (NBP) grew 25 per cent in the first  BlackRock, Jio Financial Services (JFS) is
         He  emphasised  the  stark  contrast
                                            quarter to touch Rs. 1,857 crore. The  gearing up to foray into the insurance
         between perception and reality and  gross written premium was up 19 per  segment.
         called for empowering individuals to  cent at Rs. 4,871 crore.
         achieve true 'financial immunity.'                                    JFS will partner with a global player to
                                            "We  are  in  a  rush  to  expand  our  offer life, general and health insurance
         SBI Life Insurance aims to demystify
                                            distribution, be it through our own  products, said RIL chairman Mukesh
         financial illusions and equip individuals  channels, in partnership, online, or  Ambani  at  the  AGM.  It  will  use
         with knowledge and solutions to fortify  through  new  banks,  because  we  "predictive data analytics to co-create
         their  financial  foundations.  This
         initiative  seeks  to  bridge  the  gap  InsuranceDekho set to raise $50 million in fresh
         between  perception  and  reality,   funding
         ensuring  financial  security  in  an
                                              InsuranceDekho, which raised $150 million in one of the largest Series A
         uncertain world.
                                              funding rounds in India earlier this year, is close to raising another round of
         Amidst  a  world  reshaped  by       institutional funding.
         unforeseen  challenges,  the  study
                                              Girnar Insurance Brokers Pvt. Ltd, which runs InsuranceDekho and is part
         unveils a stark reality that the Indian
                                              of the CarDekho Group, is set to secure $50 million (about Rs. 415 crore) in
         consumer's  perception of financial
                                              the new round, one of the persons said.
         preparedness  is  often  clouded  by
                                              The deal may be sealed at a pre-money valuation of $450500 million, similar
         illusions  that  could  have  dire
         consequences leading them or their   to its last outing in February this year, the person added.
         family members to have inadequate    Beams Fintech Fund, a growth capital vehicle floated by investment firm
         financial  protection  amidst  life  Venture Catalysts last year, is among the potential investors expected to
         uncertainty.                         lead the round, the second person said. He added that Beams Fintech may
                                              contribute $15 million to the fresh fundraise.
         Max Life Insurance targets           Started in 2019, InsuranceDekho earns about 82% of its premium from tier-
         double-digit  growth  in             II cities and beyond. It competes with the likes of Acko, Turtlemint and
                                              Policybazaar, and claims to cover 98% of pin codes and over 1,600 cities in
         new  business  premium               India.
         this fiscal                          The company offers a range of commercial line insurance products such as
         Max Life Insurance is on an expansion  engineering, marine, fire, health, and liability.

                                                                        The Insurance Times  October 2023  13
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