Page 15 - Insurance Times October 2023
P. 15


         Japan general insurance            the Japanese general insurance indus-  GlobalData, comments: “The aging
                                            try, which is estimated to account for  population (aged 65 or more) in South
         industry to surpass $116           a 48.0% share of the GWP in 2023. It  Korea, which accounted for 17.5% of
         billion by 2027                    is forecast to grow at a CAGR of 1.9%  the total population in 2022, is ex-
         The Japanese general insurance indus-  over 2023-27, backed by increased  pected to reach 20% by 2025, accord-
         try is set to grow at a compound an-  automobile sales. According to the Ja-  ing to Statistics Korea.  The rise in the
         nual growth rate (CAGR) of 3.4% from  pan Automotive Dealers Association  older population will have a significant
                                            and the Japan Light Motor Vehicle and  impact on the demand for long-term
         JPY11.9 trillion ($89.8 billion) in 2023
                                            Motorcycle Association, new vehicle  savings life insurance products.”
         to JPY13.6 trillion ($116.5 billion) in
         2027, in terms of gross written premi-  registrations increased by 17.5% in H1  Pension insurance is the largest life in-
         ums (GWP).                         2023 as compared to the same period  surance line in South Korea and is esti-
                                            in  2022.  Additionally,  EV  sales  in-  mated to grow  by 7%  in 2023,  ac-
         The Japanese general insurance indus-  creased by 77.9% in H1 2023 as com-  counting for a 36.5% share in terms of
         try is estimated to grow by 2.8% in
                                            pared to H1 2022.                  DWP. As the national pension scheme
         2023, supported by an increase in au-                                 provides a basic level of retirement
         tomobile  sales,  new  infrastructure  South Korea life insurance     income, people opt for supplementary
         projects, an increasing demand for                                    pension insurance policies to augment
         policies covering natural catastrophic  industry to surpass $190      their retirement corpus, driving the
         (NatCat) events, and rising cases of  billion by 2027                 growth of the insurance line. Further-
         cyberattacks.                      The South Korean life insurance indus-  more, the government’s tax incentives
                                                                               make pension insurance more afford-
         Manogna Vangari, Insurance Analyst  try is forecast to grow at a compound
         at  GlobalData,  comments:  “Japan’s  annual growth rate (CAGR) of 5.6%  able, which encourages people to in-
         economy  expanded  by 1.5%  in  Q2  over 2023–27, from KRW205.3 trillion  vest in such products. Pension insur-
         2023, which is expected to translate  ($154.2 billion) in 2023 to KRW255.4  ance is forecast to grow at a CAGR of
                                                                               8% over 2023–27.
         into 6% annual growth in 2023, much  trillion ($191.2 billion) in 2027, in terms
         stronger than the initially forecasted  of direct written premiums (DWP).  Endowment is the second largest life
         annual growth of 1.0%, as per the Eco-  The South Korean life insurance indus-  insurance line, accounting for an esti-
         nomic and Social Research Institute of  try is expected to grow by 4.4% in  mated share of 14.4% of the DWP in
         Japan. The growth is supported by key  2023. The growth will be driven by  2023. Along with life coverage, endow-
         sectors of the economy such as auto-  changing demographic factors such as  ment insurance policies offer relatively
         mobiles, construction, real estate, and  low fertility and a rapidly aging popu-  higher interest rates as compared to
         tourism as well as export activities,  lation that has increased the demand  other financial instruments such as
                                                                               bank deposits, which makes them an
         which  will  drive  general  insurance  for  pension,  long-term  care,  and  attractive investment alternative. En-
         growth in the country.”            whole-life policies.               dowment insurance is forecast to grow
         Motor insurance is the leading line in  Prasanth Katam, Insurance Analyst at  by 12% in 2023.

                                                                        The Insurance Times  October 2023  15
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