Page 11 - Insurance Times October 2023
P. 11


                                                                               which it seeks to grow at a CAGR of 20
           Working towards 100% cashless settlement: IRDAI
                                                                               per cent during this decade to deepen
           IRDAI is working with players in the health insurance ecosystem to ensure  its focus on Bharat (rural and semi-ur-
           100 per cent cashless settlements for medical expense claims, which will elimi-  ban locations) and strengthen schemes
           nate the need for filing claims, said Chairman Debasish Panda.      and coverage for out-patient depart-
           "The councils - industry bodies Life Insurance Council and General Insurance  ment expenses.
           Council - are playing a very prominent and active role for enabling common  The company expects to grow at a
           empanelment and interoperability with hospitals. This will make claim pro-  CAGR of 20 per cent during this decade.
           cessing of health insurance seamless and frictionless for the policyholders,"  Star Health is the largest private health
           said Panda at the Global Fintech Fest 2023.                         insurer in India, with a gross written
                                                                               premium of Rs. 12,953 crore as of FY23.
           IRDAI is also working closely with the National Health Authority to onboard
                                                                               It had a market share of 34% in the
           more hospitals onto the National Health Exchange, and with insurers to en-  retail health segment and 49 per cent
           sure better and more affordable products for senior citizens, as the current
                                                                               among standalone health insurers.
           pricing makes medical insurance inaccessible for most people in this segment.
                                                                               "We are optimistic about our business
                                                                               on account of a convergence of a num-
         West  Bengal  CM  an-              "I urge people to use that money and  ber of factors: a sustained increase in
                                            work here instead of going to other  the Indian population and an exten-
         nounces insurance scheme           states," she added.                sively under-penetrated rural popula-
         for migrant workers                "While migrant workers travel to other  tion now beginning to seek health in-
         Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee urged  states for marginally better pay, there is  surance," Anand Roy, Managing Direc-
         migrant workers  from  West Bengal  no safety. The quality of life is poor as  tor and CEO, said in the company's lat-
         working in other states to return home  people have to live in shared spaces  est annual report.
         and start their own businesses.    away from their families. I urge the mi-  Star Health sees the next big opportu-
                                            grant workers to come back, and we will  nity for growth in rural and semi-urban
         Addressing a programme on MSMEs,
         she said her government was working  ensure livelihood for them," she said.  customers.  "During  the  last  three
         to prepare a list of migrant workers,                                 years, marked by the pandemic, the
         which would be done at the 'Duare  Star Health gears up for           Indian  consumer  has  begun  to
                                                                               recognise the need to insure one's
         Sarkar'  (government  at  doorstep)  'Bharat' journey, to offer       health; the fact that only 30 per cent
                                            cover  for  outpatient  ex-        of our gross written premiums in FY23
         Banerjee  said her government  has                                    were derived from non-urban locations
         launched a scheme in which Rs. 5 lakh  penses                         indicates an extensive untapped op-
         is offered as loans to entrepreneurs,  Standalone health insurer Star Health  portunity. The concept of health insur-
         and the government is itself the guar-  & Allied Insurance Company Ltd is de-  ance has been indirectly 'marketed' by
         antor.                             vising a new growth strategy under  the pandemic," he added.

                                                                        The Insurance Times  October 2023  11
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