Page 12 - Insurance Times October 2023
P. 12


          LIC employees, agents to            LIC launches campaign for lapsed policies
          benefit from finmin steps           LIC has launched a special campaign to revive lapsed policies at a discounted
          The  finance  ministry  announced  a  premium. The campaign, to mark the insurer's 67th anniversary, will run
          series of steps that will benefit around  from September 1 to 30.
          one lakh employees of LIC and 13 lakh  During the campaign week, agents and employees of the corporation will
          agents of the state-run company.    reach out to holders of lapsed policies with the terms of revival.
          In the package for employees which is  "We express our gratitude to policyholders, shareholders and employees for
          seen as a precursor for public sector  their unwavering support and commitment throughout the years. LIC's
          bank employees, the finance ministry  journey has been nothing short of extraordinary - we owe our success to
          will allow an increase in the gratuity  the trust and confidence reposed in us by our loyal stakeholders," said
          limit from Rs 3 lakh to Rs 5 lakh for LIC  Siddhartha Mohanty, chairperson LIC.
          agents.  "It  will  bring  substantial
          improvements  to  the  working    For the spouses of retired employees,  titled 'Demystifying the Consumer's
          conditions and benefits of LIC agents,"  the  government  permitted  family  Illusions,' surveyed 5,000 respondents
          an official statement said.       pension at a uniform rate of 30%. "The  across 41 cities in India and uncovered
                                            welfare measures are related to the  critical insights.
          It  also  provided  for  enabling
          reappointed agents to be eligible for  amendments  to  LIC  (Agents)  Some of the key findings of this study
                                            Regulations, 2017, Enhancement of
          renewal commission, a move that will                                 are  that  71  per  cent  of  uninsured
                                            Gratuity Limit, and Uniform Rate of
          provide them with increased financial                                respondents recognise the absolute
          stability. Currently, LIC agents are not  Family Pension among others," the  necessity of insurance for achieving
                                            government said.
          eligible for renewal commission on any                               'financial immunity'.
          business completed  under  the  old                                  As many  as 83 per cent  of insured
          agency, the statement said.       SBI Life Insurance finds big
                                                                               individuals acknowledge the critical
          Further, the term insurance cover for  gap in Indians' financial     role of insurance in attaining financial
          the agents has been expanded from  preparedness                      resilience.
          the existing range of Rs 3,000-10,000
                                            A  study  by  SBI  Life  Insurance,  Despite 68 per cent believing they are
          to  Rs  25,000-1.5  lakh.  "This
                                            conducted  in  collaboration  with  adequately insured, only 6 per cent
          enhancement in term insurance will
                                            Deloitte, highlights a concerning gap in  have sufficient coverage.
          significantly benefit the families of
                                            the financial preparedness of Indian
          deceased  agents,  offering  them  a                                 Shockingly,  47  per  cent  of  insured
          more substantial welfare benefit," the  consumers.                   individuals  surrendered  their  life
          statement said.                   The  Financial  Immunity  Study  3.0,  insurance policies in the last five years.

            12    October 2023   The Insurance Times
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