Page 18 - Insurance Times October 2023
P. 18

members, and passengers entered the hold of the ship to  BCE. As Demosthenes had stated during his argument
         investigate the noise. There they found Hegestratos. The  "immediately on getting the money, they sent it home to
         captain asked Hegestratos if he heard the noise, Hegestratos  Massalia, and put nothing on board the ship. The agreement
         denied hearing anything. The captain looked around but did  being, as is usual in all such cases, that the money was to
         not see anything to indicate where or what the noise was  be paid back if the ship reached port safely, they laid a plot
         coming from. The captain began to leave the hold but was  to sink the ship, that so they might defraud their creditors.
         stopped by a passenger. The passenger pointed out that  Hegestratos, accordingly, when they were two or three days'
         Hegestratos was hiding an axe behind him. As the captain  voyage from land, went down by night into the hold of the
         looked  closer,  he  discovered  that  Hegestratos  was  vessel, and began to cut a hole in the ship's bottom, while
         attempting to cut a hole in the hull of the ship in order to  Zenothemis, as though knowing nothing about it, remained
         sink the ship.                                       on deck with the rest of the passengers. When the noise
                                                              was heard, those on the vessel saw that something wrong
         In a panic, Hegestratos ran from the hold and made his way  was going on in the hold, and rushed down to bear aid".
         to the deck of the ship. Once there, he dove in attempting
         to swim to a small boat the cargo ship was towing. He did  Demosthenes was one of the greatest public speakers of
         not make it and ironically, Hegestratos drowned at sea. A  antiquity and an eminent statesman of his era, and his
         fate he had intended for the crew and passengers of the  writings are a key source of insight into the politics and
         ship to help hide his deceit, as dead men tell no tales. Unable  finance of  Greece in  the  4th  century  BC.  For  a time,
         to sink the ship by himself, Xenothemis had to sail on to the  Demosthenes made his living as a professional speechwriter
         port, at which point the buyer, Protos, wanted to know why  (logographer) and a lawyer, writing speeches for use in
         his shipload of corn was empty. A legal battle is said to have  private legal suits.
         continued after but the verdict is kept hidden under the
         wings of history. Zenosthemis was arrested and faced justice  Lacritus was a sophist,and native of Phaselis,a town in
         in the Athenian courts for his involvement in the scam.  Bithynia, on the southern coast of Asia Minor is known to
                                                              us chiefly from the speech of Demosthenes against him.The
         As we understand from the event, 'bottomry' was an   subject of the speech entails a man named Androcles, who
         arrangement in which the master of a ship borrowed money  had  lent  a  sum  of  money  to  Artemo,  the  brother  of
         upon the bottom or keel of it, so as to forfeit the ship itself  Lacritus.The latter, on the death of his brother, refused to
         to the creditor, if the money with interest is not paid at the  refund the money, though he had become security for his
         time appointed at the ship's safe return. This occurs, for  brother, and was his heir. Hence, the suit was instituted
         example, where the ship needs urgent repairs during the  against  him  by  Androcles,  for  whom  Demosthenes
         course of its voyage or some other emergency arises and it  composed the speech in question.
         is not possible for the master to contact the owner to
         arrange funds, allowing the master to borrow money on the  Demosthenes' oration 35, "Against Lacritus,'' contains the
         security of the ship or the cargo by executing a bond.

         Where the ship is hypothecated, the bond is called a
         bottomry bond. Where both the ship and its cargo are
         hypothecated, the relationship is called respondentia.By its
         nature, bottomry was prone to insurance fraud. Taking
         bottomry against a ship and valuable cargo was the first
         type of fraud, while setting sail with a cheap cargo and
         scuttling the ship to keep the loan and the cargo, and
         pretending that the ship had sunk while it actually hid in a
         distant port and acquired a new name and crew formed the
         second type of fraud.

         "Demosthenes's speech against Zenothemis" accuses the
         titular shipper of the first type of fraud in the 4th century

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