Page 21 - Insurance Times October 2023
P. 21

Telemedicine &

          Insurance - Adapting

          to the Growing

          Demand for Remote

                                                                                                   Rohit Boda
          Healthcare                                                                     Group Managing Director
                                                                                                 J. B. Boda Group

           Telemedicine has undoubtedly revolutionized healthcare, but the existing insurance policies have
           found it challenging  to adapt to this  evolving landscape. Traditional insurance models were
           primarily designed for in-person medical care, and they often lack the flexibility to encompass
           telehealth services.

         T        he  healthcare  landscape  has  undergone  a  patients to connect with doctors from the comfort of their

                  remarkable transformation in recent years, driven
                                                              homes.  This convenience is  bolstered by cost  savings
                                                              associated with virtual consultations and reduced travel
                  by  the  proliferation  of  telemedicine.
                  Telemedicine, once a futuristic concept, is now an
          integral part of healthcare delivery in India. This innovative  expenses.
          approach involves providing medical consultations and Insurance Coverage Challenges
          treatments  remotely,  using  telecommunications.   Telemedicine has undoubtedly revolutionized healthcare,
          Telemedicine's growth in India is attributed to several key  but the existing insurance policies have found it challenging
          factors, including  increased internet and smartphone  to adapt to this evolving landscape. Traditional insurance
          accessibility, rising healthcare costs, and the impact of the  models were primarily designed for in-person medical care,
          COVID-19 pandemic. Notably, the Insurance Regulatory and  and they often lack the flexibility to encompass telehealth
          Development Authority of India (IRDAI) has played a pivotal  services. This limitation has led to confusion and gaps in
          role  by  directing  insurers  to  include  telemedicine  coverage for policy holders seeking telemedicine services.
          consultations in health insurance policies, thus boosting the  Many individuals have faced challenges in understanding
          sector's development.                               whether their insurance plans cover virtual consultations
                                                              and which services are eligible for reimbursement.
          Benefits of Telemedicine Telemedicine offers numerous
          advantages,  foremost  among  them  being  improved  Patients can face challenges when trying to get their
          healthcare access for individuals in remote or rural areas.  telemedicine expenses covered by insurance. One challenge
          It eliminates geographical barriers, allowing patients to  is that insurance policies often do not clearly mention
          consult healthcare professionals without extensive travel.  telemedicine, leaving patients uncertain about whether
          Additionally, telemedicine enhances convenience by enabling  their services will be covered. Another challenge is that even

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