Page 25 - Insurance Times October 2023
P. 25


          Negligence in

          Motor Accident

          Cases                                                                      Ravi Ranjan Kumar Rana
                                                                                          Assistant Vice President
                                                                                     HDFC Ergo General Insurance
                                                                                            Head Office, Mumbai

           This is also called comparative negligence in few jurisdictions. The modern position is more evolved,
           matured and logical. The shift is not abrupt and dramatic but it has evolved over a period of time
           through judicial pronouncements and modern legislations, and has its foundation in sound logic
           and scientific reason.

                                                              At  common  law  in  old days,  contributory  negligence
                                                              operated  as  a  complete  defense.  Once  contributory
           The pure contributory law theory where plaintiff would  negligence was established plaintiff would get nothing. This
           get nothing even if he was slightly negligence has few
                                                              is called pure contributory negligence. Even today in a few
           takers these days. The modern theory of contributory
                                                              jurisdictions where this theory applies, plaintiff gets nothing
           negligence is more evolved, scientific and logical and in  even if he is partially negligent. Contrary to this, in modern
           tune with the changing needs of the society where  days  in  majority  of jurisdictions  even  if  contributory
           compensation is reduced in proportion of negligence of  negligence is established, the claimant will get his damages
           plaintiff/victim.                                  but it will be reduced by the court in proportion to his fault.
           Standard of care is objective but not uniform keeping in
           mind attaining circumstances like the mental faculty and  This is also called comparative negligence in few jurisdictions.
           physical agility of the victim. For example, a child is held  The modern position is more evolved, matured and logical.
           guilty of contributory negligence only if he or she is of  The shift is not abrupt and dramatic but it has evolved over
           such an age as reasonably to be expected to take   a period of time through judicial pronouncements and
           precautions for his or her own safety.             modern legislations, and has its foundation in sound logic
                                                              and scientific reason.
           The misconception that claims in motor accident cases
           is filed for causing the accident. Rather, it is filed for the  Contributory Negligence: Foreseeability
           damage/injury caused by the accident i.e. resultant
           injuries/damage. Hence, all the factors responsible for  of harm to himself
           causing injuries must be taken into account including not  What is "contributory negligence" has been aptly put in
           wearing seatbelt/helmet while travelling in a motor  nutshell Lord Denning in following words:
           vehicle or riding  a motorbike, in  apportioning  the  "Although contributory negligence does not depend on
           contributory negligence in motor third party claims in  a duty of care, it does depend on foreseeability. Just as
           India.                                                actionable negligence requires the foreseeability of harm

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