Page 24 - Insurance Times October 2023
P. 24

4. Emergency Fund:                                      retirement planning, ensuring a coverages for the any
             Financial  planners  often  recommend  building  an  kind of losses post retirement.
             emergency fund alongside insurance coverage. This fund
             acts as a financial buffer to cover deductibles, out-of-  2. Tax Efficiency:
             pocket expenses in cases of specific exclusions of the  Financial planners  explore  tax-efficient insurance
             insurance product or any temporary loss of income due  solutions, helping clients minimize their tax liabilities
             to insurable events.                                while maximizing benefits. In many countries, certain
                                                                 types of insurance premiums are tax-deductibles. For
         5. Investment Integration:                              example, health insurance premiums are often tax-
                                                                 deductible in some jurisdiction. Also, insurance pay-outs
             Beyond  protection,  financial  planning  in  general
             insurance can include investment strategies. Some   are not considered as taxable income. If you received a
             insurance policies, such as whole life or investment-linked  pay-out from a policy due to a covered event, such as
                                                                 home insurance claim for a disaster, the amount received
             plans, offer opportunities for wealth accumulation. These  is a tax-free. This can be particularly advantageous if
             strategies must align with the client's long-term financial
                                                                 you need to rebuild or replace property after a loss.
             goals. Now IRDA may also allow life insurance companies
             to sell health insurance policies.
                                                              In conclusion, financial planning in general insurance is a
         III. Long-Term Financial Goals:                      critical component of overall financial well-being. It provides
         Financial planning in general insurance extends beyond  a safety net against unforeseen risks, customizes coverage
         immediate protection. It contributes to long-term financial  to individual needs, and integrates insurance into long-term
         stability by:                                        financial goals. Effective financial planning ensures that
                                                              individuals and businesses can navigate life's uncertainties
         1. Retirement Planning:                              with confidence, maintaining security and stability in an ever-
             Insurance policies like annuities can be incorporated into  changing world.

              95% surge in Maharashtra enrolment boosts PM crop insurance
                                                    area by 12%

           The Centre's flagship scheme Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana (PMFBY) or the PM Crop Insurance Scheme has seen
           coverage of 30.14 million hectares (mh) in kharif 2023, which is 12 per cent higher than year-ago. The maximum
           increase has been noticed in Maharashtra, which received 39 per cent below-normal rain in August.

           Maharashtra's insured area has nearly doubled to 11.4 million hectares (mh), after the State government decided to
           take the burden of the premium, whereas it is almost at last year's level in other major States such as Rajasthan,
           Madhya Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh. But, insurers are now waiting for September rain as the pan-India deficit in
           August has reached 35 per cent, threatening crops in many parts.
           "Though some more additions may be made during data compilation, enrolment of farmers in almost all States ex-
           cept Jammu and Kashmir has been completed," an official said. Enrolment under PMFBY in Jammu and Kashmir will
           end August 31.
           There has been a big jump in enrolment of non loanee farmers as the area insured by them has witnessed a 71 per
           cent rise to 14.25 mh whereas loanee farmers have insured 15.89 mh, a fall of 15 per cent from year ago.
           Official sources attributed the trend to the Maharashtra government's decision to subsidise farmers' premiums in
           crop insurance by allowing enrolment only at Rs. 1 has increased the coverage, the surplus rain in mostly irrigated
           Haryana in July has reduced enrolment.

                                                                        The Insurance Times  October 2023  23
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