Page 35 - Insurance Times March 2017 Sample
P. 35



         IN INDIA

         SINCE 1956

         A) Introduction:                                     MUNICH RE, SWISS RE, SCOR, XL CATLIN, HANNOVER RE,
                                                              REINSURANCE GROUP OF AMERICA- RGA AND LLOYDS. This
         From 16th January 2017 IRDAI'S Gazette Notification has  list may have new entrants with branches of reinsurers in
         implemented Reinsurance Regulations with immediate   near future.
         effect and licenses are cleared for Branches of Global
         Reinsurers as well as Indian Professional Reinsurer ITI with
                                                              Thus  Indian  Insurance  Market  is  all  set  to  be  a
         a Paid-Up Capital of Rs.5000 MLNS for each. Indian National
         Reinsurer GIC Re's Financial Highlights Show Paid Up Capital  REINSURANCE  HUB  OF  ASIA  AND  AFRICA  from  2017
         of Rs. 4.3 BLNS and Financial Net Worth of Rs. 383 BLNS  onwards.
         for the year 2015-16
                                                              Indian Reinsurance Market with Reinsurance Premium of
                                                              US$ 2.50 BLNS in 2016-17 has potential of 15% to 20%
         From 1st April 2017, all Renewals of Reinsurance Treaties  growth in 2017/18. Agricultural Insurance Premiums under
         and Fac Res of all Indian Insurers will have to be placed with
                                                              the PMFBY are well set to increase from Rs.36 BLNS in
         prescribed priorities with GIC Re, ITI and branches of Global
         Reinsurers as licensed reinsurers from 1st January 2017.  2015-16 to Rs.200 BLNS (US$ 2.90 BLN) in the year 2017-
                                                              18 with approx. 70% as Reinsurance Premium of Rs.140
         Existing participation of Cross Border Reinsurers who do not  BLNS - US$ 2.05 BLNS. Thus Reinsurance Premiums will be
         have branches in India may be left to get renewals only after  around US$ 4 BLNS for all classes. Perhaps this is the right
         exhausting placements with all reinsurers in India as under  time  to  review  the  historical  growth  of  Professional
         who  were  Cross  Border  Reinsurers  but  who  are  now  Reinsurers in India so far.
         licensed Reinsurers in India:
                                                              B) Professional Reinsurers In India:
                               About the author               Life Insurance of Indian Market has great potential to grow
                                                              from US$ 56 BLNS in 2014-15 to US$ 70 BLNS by the year
                         K. L. Naik
                                                              2019. Reinsurance requirements generate Reinsurance
                         Managing  Director
                         Xperitus Insurance Brokers  Pvt.Ltd  Premium of less than 2% of these premiums for the entire
                                                              Indian Market!
                                                                          The Insurance Times, March 2017 35

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