Page 38 - Insurance Times March 2017 Sample
P. 38

SOCIALISM was seen as Planning Distribution of wealth with  and  regulate  Insurance  Industry  in  India  after
         short falls in the creation of wealth.               denationalization.
                                                                GIC  was  no  longer  a  holding  company  after
         Globalization and Liberalization changed all these and a  Denationalization. It was made the National Reinsurer
         Borderless world of all Economies was seen emerging where  of India as GIC Re. The Insurance Companies in India
         all people of the world had all the ways open for Industrial  were to make 20% Obligatory Cessions to GIC Re. GIC
         and Agricultural Developments within each economy with  Re also played the Role of Afro-Asian Reinsurer and
         international co-operations!                            supported Afro-Asian Markets as a Major Reinsurer
                                                                 with strength and stability.
         This changed the world order.
                                                                IRDAI opened the market for formation of Private
         The  Gulf  war  I  and  II  impacted  the  new  world  order.  Insurance Companies either with 100% paid up capital
         Terrorism  appeared  as  a  threat  -  a  negative  force!  of Minimum Rs. 1000 MLN by the Indian Proprietors
         Insurance  and  Reinsurance  world  over  had  to  cover  or in Joint Venture with Foreign Partner with not more
         Terrorism with a new threat. Terrorism became a Man-    than 26% share holding. This cap is increased to 49%
         made Catastrophe.
                                                                 with the New Government in 2014-15.
         1993  Bomb  Blast  in  Mumbai  became  a  big  event  of
                                                              By 2015-16 there are 24 Life Insurance Companies- LIC and
         Terrorism! Indian Market Insurers and Reinsurers faced the
                                                              23 Private Companies with a Premium of almost USD 60
         challenges of Terrorism.                             BLNS.

         Thus by the end of the Millennium Indian Insurers and GIC  And there are 19 Non-Life Insurance Companies, 5 Stand-
         as Indian Reinsurer were well set to make a way of progress  alone  health  Insurance  Companies.  4  Public  Sector
         out of all the hurdles.                              Insurance Companies, ECGC and AIC as specialized Insurers.
                                                              Non-Life premiums amounted to USD 15 BLNS in 2015-16.
         New Era of Economic Reforms in India under foresighted
         plans of Dr. Manmohan Sigh as Finance Minister of P.M. Mr.
                                                              After the PMFBY Agricultural Insurance Premium increased
         Narsimha  Rao  radically  changed  the  Economy  from
                                                              from Rs. 36 BLNS in 2015-16 to Rs. 150 BLNS in 2016-17
         Socialistic / Communistic Idealism to Realism of Capitalism
                                                              and Rs. 200 BLNS in 2017-18.
         in line with USSR. Private Sector became the engine of
         Economic Growth by the end of 20th Century!          Non-Life and Life Premiums are expected to be USD 90 BLNS
                                                              or more by the year 2019.
         The 21stCentury began with two mega events viz. the Bhuj
         Earthquake  of  26th  Jan  2001  for  Indian  Market  and
         Terrorism Loss in New York- The WTC Attacks by terrorists
         on 11th Sep 2001. This Terrorism Loss covered all the classes
         of Property, Casualty, PA, MDLOP, Aviation Hull & Liability,
         Compensations to Workers clearing debris and many Life
         Insurance Losses- all of which amounted to approx US$ 88
         Billions! This was more than 100% of Non Life Market
         Premium in UK and France. It is the largest insurance loss
         since the 11th  Century.  19  major  western  Reinsurer's
         became  financial  week  and  they  minimized  their
         involvements  in  Afro-Asian  Markets  with  all  kinds  of
         restrictions. In this scenario, Indian National Reinsurer GIC
         Re emerged as a Leading Afro-Asian Reinsurer.

         Restructuring Indian Insurance Industry from 1st
         April, 2001
         The  Insurance  regulator  IRDAI  was  created  and  with
         the  Act  of  1999  they  were  authorized  to  restructure

          38  The Insurance Times, March 2017

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